This game is very skill wised which means you have to be very precise with many spells and use them in proper moment. While there are many tutorials on the internet of how to build the champion, I will concentrate on what do you really have to do(get the things done) way. I am writing this because every time I solo Q I see many people do not even know the basics in normal games. It is better in ranked, but still.
How do you start as support?
The proper way is to choose a proper role. Many people do not like to play passive roles like jungle or support, but those two roles are one of the most important in the game. If you play support you have to think two things:
- When to expect an enemy to come from bush.
- Where to put wards.
These two things are essential for proper play, since if you make a mistake your attack damage carry may get killed. Why do you want to play support and when? If you feel tired play support, since other attacking roles are pretty much energy consuming roles.
While playing support you have to know that your carry needs a lot of last hits and needs to be fed to do massive damage, think about that. Many supports I was playing with never buys any wards, because they think they need items to do proper supporting. This is wrong, there is not better thing than vision of map, since your team can properly position before the fight.
Support spams a lot of spells that is why you have to get Philosopher's Stone or similar mana item to sustain mana usage. Once again wards, wards, the most important thing if you want to win or get carried easily in ranked games.
How do you start as jungler?
Every laner has to win his lane. People are whining, "Where is my jungler when you need him?". That is not even a remotely right thing to do, because every laner should win his lane without any help. What jungler does, is making lanes a little bit easier to win. Nothing more(lol).
So from psychological way jungler has to make lanes job easier. I like this role very much because I love to help people. Before you jungle you have to learn proper way of jungling. Read some instructions about what road you have to take for jungling, where to start first. When you master that then listen to this tips. Gank only if:
- their laner pushed your lane deeply,
- when you cleared your jungle waves,
- try to gank their jungler if you put ward before to see their health.
Check the picture above. Only gank when their mid laner is at least in yellow position, you can kill him 100% if he pushes to red area(well 99%, there is always 1% possibility of scumbag fingers of yours).
The first one is essential and can win you many games. If you gank when your laner pushes their lane, it is worthless, you are losing your time, and you are losing your teams victory. Remember whenever you are not clearing waves in jungle or in lane you are losing the game. Another very important tip is to hop in the lane when your laner is low on health and when he has to go back to base. Same goes if he needs to get items. Mostly laners push the lanes before they get back, but in some situations that is impossible, so defend your tower before they get back! When they get back you have to hop in the jungle back and leave them their farm.
As support:
- get wards, PLEASE!
- learn the proper positions for wards!
- ping the hell of map if you see john travolta moving towards your lane or other ally lanes - remember you are the eye of your team.
As jungler:
- gank only when they push your lane deeply in your tower.
- if you are super upper pro, buy pink wards to de-ward mid so you can gank with better success next time.
- hop in lanes from the jungle, to defend the tower when needed.
Some people would say, wow nothing new, but I want to encourage the people to read LESS and do MORE. I am tired of long articles, where they do not highlight the important things. I hope it helped you a little bit.