Before I start on the road of all the things I've encountered playing, and watching this game, I feel like I need to start from the beginning. So growing up in Colorado my parents were both near highschool dropouts (not looking for sympathy) so I lived in a trailer for awhile. Then we moved, and we had a nice ass house :D anyways my father became an IT supervisor for some company in the area, and my mother was a stay-at-home homeschooler who was very rigid, and forceful with the schedule she provided us (me, and my older sister) with. The first time I ever experienced video games, or RTS (Age Of Empires) for that matter was one weekend in the summer, I believe, when my dad had his work laptop out, and had something running. I, being the curious six year old I was, went up to see what he was doing; it was a forest... with huts, and people cutting down trees... There were bulky men in blue sashes with clubs... THEN! All of the sudden soldiers (I assumed) wearing different colored sashes road in on horses, terrorizing my father's "base". He lost everything, sighing, and looking at me. "Do you want to play?".
After about a year of playing video games like Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, Sonic The Hedgehog, etc, on the ghetto-jerry-rigged desktops in our basement, I was banned by my overly religious mother from playing them because she thought I had anger issues... Which I do... Anywho it sucked. I enjoyed the strategy, I was always good at chess, checkers, and later Go, so I felt a resemblance. Also I'm a badass at Go Fish. So come when I was 10 my cousin and uncle sent me and my sister their old XBox, with a plethora of not-so-legal games like Halo: Combat Evolved, Doom 3, and GTA: Vice City. At first we weren't allowed to play these games (because my mother, but we figured out how

Come Christmas of 2010; my dad bought me an XBox 360 instead of a plane ticket to see him since he lived in Maryland, but I was overjoyed! I had been hearing friends at school talk about the fun they'd been having playing Call Of Duty Black Ops. So I was like "Hell yes! Now I can play it." So the day after Christmas I walked to the mall, in the snow, and asked some guy to play my dad, and bought the game. It came with a 2-day XBox Live pass which I promptly used from New Years Eve when my mom left the house, and played for about 25 hours straight. This was my first experience playing a game online, not against my sister... Holy shit. So I played semi-professionally on Black Ops in 2012, won a few local LANs, and stomped a few pubs... Come to school one day, and my friend has his computer out playing a sci-fi-ish game... Sort of like when I saw Age Of Empires. So I was introduced to StarCraft... He didn't really explain it to me, but I got the jest of it. So 2012 I started playing... When I first got on the StarCraft II ladder, my friend Alex, a gold league Protoss, recommended I play the 50 starter games, but f*ck that... So I played my 5 placements, and placed Platinum. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I figured it was better than Gold when my friend was mad when he found out. So through 2012 we started our own clan; eGT, and played LANs, and organized them. I remember my first actual "competitive" play was at a local gaming center where we were playing three best-of-five team league games against these kids from UNC, and our highschool. I was fifth to go in the first round, third to go in the second round, and first to go in the third round/series. We got raped, the first series, 1-4, or something like that. Second round comes we win 3-2 with my game being a loss. I remember my friend, Alex, saying that I should just cheese... Get the loss over with some we could get our ace in. I sat down, and thought "no, I'm going to play... play like I see MarineKingPrime play, like I see MC play". I did a double rax on 12 with a CC at 16. Held off a baneling bust, and took my third, then got medivacs, and went marine only. I dropped his fourth, and pushed his natural. GG. That series turned into my first All-Kill (Eat that Sheth,

Almost a year from then, as of now, I watch more StarCraft than I play... 3-4 hours a day, and play maybe 3 to 4 games if I feel gutsy. Deranked to Gold... I want to stream when my new desktop comes in May... I feel like "that'll get me to play, to be the best!" But I know it won't, and the only way to become better is to practice... Because I see the players, and the casters playing in, or casting GSL, or MLG, or Dreamhack... And I think... I want to be there, to be playing, to be casting... I know that everyone has great dreams, more, or less, but I know if I set my mind to it I can accomplish it, and I want to thank the StarCraft community for showing me a world a never knew about, for showing me that a nerdy passion can be a global phenomenon. I'm amazed, and thankful I'm apart of it. I'm David AKA "SupeR", StarCraft 2/CoD player, and caster, and overall gamer, who is committed to promoting entertaining, helpful, and quality filled content for a community of gamers. I used to make music, now I make videos. I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope to see you on TL, on, or on the ladder!
Cheers, SupeR