A colleague/friend of mine will be leaving for South Korea (for 3 months) in a few days. I'm not going to go into detail as to why he's going, but to give you a bit of an idea, you could liken it to something like a progamer from NA going to Korea to participate in the GSL or join a training house etc.
I'll be giving him a farewell gift together with a card. For a bit of a twist, I thought I'd write down my message to him in korean. He can't read korean, but I'm sure he can get someone in Korea to translate the card for him. So basically the idea is I get to avoid watching him read my cheesy goodbye message on the spot, but still get him to read it eventually; Once he's in Korea.
The message goes like this:
"Thank you for being a great colleague and a great friend. You are cheerful, easy to get along with, and talented at what you do. I have met very few people that have as much passion and determination as you do. You have what it takes to be BIG, and all of us here will always pray for your success.
All the best! Hope to see you again in 3 months!"
All the best! Hope to see you again in 3 months!"
So... Yah. If any ENG-KOR experts here at TL are willing to help out... I'd really appreciate it. The translation doesn't have to be super accurate or anything, as long as it conveys my message well. This guy has been very helpful and nice to me and it'd mean the world to me to be able to give him this card, written in korean letters.
Thank you.