ERROR Overlord
Hiding beneath is
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum LOREM IPSUM:
I love bugs like these.
Here's another old bug I encountered:
Notice the very end of the graph. I think this was a game on fastest map possible. Somebody made so many units the game started lagging to the point that all players' harvest rate took a dip. So, evidently, you can use lag to gain a favourable position in economy!
Well, that's a hilarious error. Interesting...placeholder text.
United States22154 Posts
the whole "Lorem ipsum" passage is pretty commonly used as placeholder text.
I love that the error is called Overlord though
Bisutopia19142 Posts
Poor Chernobyl
"Spawn more Overlords...no actually, wait. Stop!"
Interesting find.
If someone wants to try and reproduce the bug, here's how I encountered it: 1. Search 4v4. Wait for 1 minute with no match found. Cancel. 2. Search 3v3. Cancel. 3. Click 2v2 map preferences. Nothing happened. Click find game. Now it started bugging out, with no information appearing in the top bar normally displaying "Searching 2v2". 4. Log out via menu.
Running mac os 10.6 (which is deprecated for hots).
I'm assuming some sort of misaddressed memory, so that when I logged out, the 2v2 map pref dialog decided to display, but it's data was now misplaced. Hence Lorem Ipsum. The error dialog might have been produced in response to that, also with faulty data, from another block of misadressed memory. I'm not sure which programming languages SC2 is written in, but I'm assuming a majority of C++ and Lua. I've seen XML errors in the GUI too (idle worker used to display > as hotkey, meaning >)
What exactly have you found? This is the weirdest error I have ever seen lol.
a few days ago sc2 didn't allow me to log in. and all it told me was: "EXECUTOR."
On April 05 2013 03:52 virpi wrote: a few days ago sc2 didn't allow me to log in. and all it told me was: "EXECUTOR."
Yeah I've seen an error like this with the name of a unit in the last week, but I forgot what it was :/
rofl that's pretty great.
I had one which says hydalisk
I got the Executor one too