i don't know if that's necessary; but we've got it covered.

Anyways as many of you may have noticed, it is seemingly impossible to join 'The Cow Level' chat channel (where everything you say automatically has a ...Moo! suffix attached) in Heart of the Swarm. if you try to join by typing in 'The Cow Level' in the custom chat channel box, an error message comes up with the text 'there is no cow level'(very funny blizzard...)
While i guess this is kind of an easter egg in itself that aT least pays lip service to the gag, i'M still upset enough about it to merit writing a blog; i mean you cant give people a whole easter egg chat channel and then expect them to be satisfied with a silly error message in the game's sequel.(though maybe this is the point.)
Its also worth mentioning that the channel never saw much use, for obvious reasons, and that this may be the reason for the downgrade...that being said...The trolls at blizzard have gone too far this time!
The main ReasoN for the blog writing is to find out if, somewhere out there, in the furthest reaches of TL , there is someone WhO has found that elusive place quested for by all of us since diablo ONE; the cow level.
If you are out there, i assure you that sharing the aforementioned SeCret in this thread will be handsomely rewarded....intrinsically....
i have included a poll for your, and my own; amusement.
Poll: Level of cow level elusiveness has increased. Is this a:
why is there a poll about this? (12)
Good thing! its a secret it should be hard to find. (7)
Bad thing. I miss my ...moos! (1)
20 total votes
Good thing! its a secret it should be hard to find. (7)
Bad thing. I miss my ...moos! (1)
20 total votes
Your vote: Level of cow level elusiveness has increased. Is this a:
(Vote): Good thing! its a secret it should be hard to find.
(Vote): Bad thing. I miss my ...moos!
(Vote): why is there a poll about this?