I went for a trip around America/Canada in October last year and in that month I was gone I put on some weight. So when I got back I decided to put on some running shoes and Started running. I run 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes and have gone from around 70kg to either side of 58kg. I am 22 years old and 170cm tall. I eat quite healthy as well.
I want to join the gym because I still have a bit of a stomach I have always wanted to get rid of and i want to be fit in general i don't think I can achieve this with just running, I want to go to the gym at least 3 times a week to start with while still running 4-5 times a week. My question is can anyone give me some advice on what sort of things i will need to work on when I'm at the gym? i have never been and don't know where to start. I also think that ill use a personal trainer for at least a little while not sure of there worth the money though.
Many thanks