So, right now I am currently on academic probation and that requires me to meet with the Dean of students periodically so that he can monitor my progress. The appointment was originally yesterday, Monday January 28th, 2k13, but it was during a class so he rescheduled for this Friday. It was kind of a mean prank, but it gives me extra time to prepare what I intend to do and say so that I can present things in a more timely and charismatic manner.
Im dlling Hots tonight when I go to bed. I played WoL for the last time today and tomorrow, when hots is done dlling, I will be playing that. cant wait for that gucci replay overdo!
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I am excited for the next blog because I will be actively monitoring how much I practice/improve per day so that in a month, I will measure how far I have progressed in hots
I am not going to set any expectations in this blog for as to what I perceive will happen in a month because whatever I predict will be inaccurate. Only pokemon can see into the future.future. What I will say though is that I am always optimistic towards the future, but I have also been prone to depressive mood swings. However I have realized it is important to make my day productive and to pursue a pro-active lifestyle. Just how productive? Well find out in a month!