Things focused on: Protoss step 2 and 3
Completion of Focus: Completed Step 2 and lovin' step 3
End of Day Placement: Silver somewhere below I was yesterday
Okay, so I have spent a lot of time kind of annoyed today with slow zealots. I was focusing on SQ and supply blocks. (My Chrono boosts aren't excellent in mid to late game but that's okay) My SQ was actually relatively excellent for the most part. (Average of 85.48 with my goal being 80 per game, so I'm really happy with that) My supply blocks were the thing holding me back for the most part because there was no "oh shit" supply calldowns when I screw up, which apparently I used them a lot more than I think because I was TERRIBLE at supply. Some of that was probably because of the new race, but I'm sure it wasn't all of it.
So anyway, I spent a lot of time playing with only slow zealots. Which zealots are great, but I was against people who like using roaches and marines and would LOVE the chance to micro kite my zealots for hours on end. I managed to win one of those games because while he was microing he wouldn't macro and I destroyed him, but other than that it was a slow drawn out game of me macroing while watching him try and ktie my slow zealots. Even focusing on my goals and ignoring wins those were still long annoying games.
Then I got to step 3 and had a whole other system to learn. The warpgate thing was kinda weird at first as it's backwards to what I'm used to (and you have to look at where you're making things), so I did some build order testing for a while to get used to building things and try out a couple things and after 40 minutes or so I felt kinda comfortable and played against the computer for a couple games, then moved on to play on the ladder.
First game on ladder as step 3 was against a terran who turtled in his base and wouldn't leave until he got a 200 food army of marines and tanks. I was able to make it take a long time for him to get there, but he did and beat me, oh well, I did well other than supply blocks. Next game was a PvP... and I won! I love winning mirror matchups, especially when I'm on low macro steps because that means that I macroed so much better than him that even with his micro and tech advantages I STILL overwhelmed him, just feels nice.
I've been going zealot stalker (obviously) but probably 3:1 chargelot:stalker. I LOVE zealots with charge, they are so much more badass than they were without. I'm still working on the best time to get charge for them compared to getting 1/1/1 upgardes. That will definitely take some work but I'm really enjoying Protoss so far and looking forward to getting to play with stalkers and speedlots a bit more tomorrow.