Things focused on: Step 13 of the Staircase
Completion of Focus: Not so good
End of Day Placement: Silver 517 (Down 9)
I haven't updated this for a few days because I haven't really played the last couple days. I took Saturday off and then on Sunday I started doing my juice fast. I will try not to go through all the details of the juice fast here as a lot of people really won't care so much. If you are interested then you can check out the blog I made about the juice fast (including why I'm doing it and all that jazz). You can find it Of course now that it's too late I realize I should have named it "Weaze the Juice" ahhh, the path not taken.
As far as Starcraft goes I haven't played any really (other than some multitasking practice with no opponents on Shattered Temple) until tonight. I didn't do amazingly well tonight, it seems like I was getting confused at the end of the game quite a bit. Of course that's not really a good thing to say because I only played 3 games tonight, the first was where I got really confused near the end of it but that was mostly because I have trouble against Banelings and that was ALL this guy was making, but he wasn't using them to beat me but instead to spread creep over the whole map and take all the expansions while I sat back and got my ass kicked. Every time I'd move out to try and do something he'd blow them up with banelings and I'd get frustrated.
Other than that I won the other 2 games I played, the first I won was a TvT where I attacked at about 7 minutes to poke at him to see what was happening and saw that he had very few defenses because he was trying to tech and take a sneaky expand and just didnt' have anything so I steam rolled him. The other game was a TvZ where he attacked with a lot of zerglings and banelings but I held it off and managed to macro better than him and slowly took out his expansions.
Since I started the juice fast (I've finished 2/10 days now!) my brain hasn't been all that clear so I'm not sure if my problems were because of the juice fast or just not sure what to do. Have to see if this keeps up or not.