Things focused on: Step 5 & 6 of the staircase, supply depots, spending, upgrades
Completion of Focus: Finished 5, moved on to 6!
End of Day Placement: Silver (Fake Top 8)
Alright, the name. Yeah I made a random name, so sue me. Firstly, I don't care about the "rating" at the bottom of the blog, these are for me and this is the internet where people will go to youtube to watch a video they hate just to tell people how much they hate it. Sense has left the building. That being said, I've been trying to make the names of these things have something to do with what's going on in the blog so that people who see it can get an idea of what it's about so they don't go into something with a cool sounding name only to find the ramblings of a noob and how happy he is to get into silver. But, even with one named "Promoted to Silver!" apparently people got into it and didn't like what they saw... so screw it! I'm gonna name it something fun to entertain myself.
So that being said on to the recap!
Recap: (Told ya it was comin')
I didn't get to play at all last night, there was a storm which apparently knocked out my internet for about 15 hours or so. That sucked, but I managed to read half of my next Dresden Files book, god I love those books.
Today I got to play a bit and after a few games I managed to do really well at hitting my benchmarks (I had an average SQ of 87.4 today) and focused on my focus points from yesterday and managed to finish step 5. After that I started playing a few games against AI in step 6 and found that even in games where I felt I was spending my money poorly my SQ was still in the 80-82 range. Now there were some problems that SQ won't highlight that I noticed, but still, even in games where I felt I wasn't spending well, I was spending money better than I was last week when I thought I was doing good. That's awesome to me, things like that really make me feel like I'm improving. I did however start having problems with supply depots again, which is to be expected so I still need that iron that out a little more.
Objecttves: (In order of how I work on them and importance)
Supply Depots: On step 5 I ironed out my problems with supply depots and picked up the timing when I have to start making 2 at a time without getting supply blocked, which after looking over a few of my older games I saw was one of the main things I was missing, even when I was doing a "good" job making depots. It slipped a little when I added micro to my game, but that's no big deal, just needs more focus.
Money: I tracked my extra dough I was having, and rather than it be from missing depots, it was because I was a)Making my 4th and 5th barracks too late and forgetting to make stuff out of them and b) Making my 3rd CC too late. I tweaked that and was able to keep constant production out of 3 reactors and 2 tech labs as well as my Starport with reactor and keeping my money low until I get ready to fly over my 3rd CC when I drop down a few more barracks make an armory and another Ebay. I'm hitting my SQ of 80 all games today, but there were a few where I had to drop like 6 barracks at once because I let my money climb too much, so this still needs work.
Micro: I'm on a micro step now so that means I need to pay more attention to the fights use stim and possibly work in some drops here and there. I'm not a huge fan of drops (I think they're over done and poorly executed for the most part) but I would like to at least be able to do them when the time seems right.
Upgrades: I did a lot better today about upgrades, I almost always got at least 1/1. A couple games I got 2/1 but still not a crisply or early as I would like.