![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eHmlp.png)
Lately I’ve been trying to get back to playing Starcraft for fun.
Now I realize that this sounds silly. Starcraft IS fun! It’s a game! I’m not trying to become a professional player – therefore the only reason I’d be playing it is for fun, right?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/k3ufG.png)
The problem is, sometimes it doesn’t feel that simple. Sometimes it feels like I only have fun when I win. And since I spend half of my time in Starcraft losing, that makes me uncomfortable. Not to mention butthurt.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/jsNSw.png)
I think the toughest part of improving in Starcraft II is figuring out how to have fun even when you’re losing. At least that’s the toughest part for me. If you’ve got any tips, I’d love them. I figure I’m not the only person who struggles with this.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0Ci24.png)
Maybe that’s why we’re in Masters and not Grandmasters.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QXhfe.png)
You have to figure that the people who slog their way through the thousands of losses necessary to make it to the skill level you need to get into GM must have figured out how to have fun when they’re losing. Or maybe they’re just crazy.
What’s worked best for me has been trying to remind myself that it’s just a game, trying not to take it seriously, and focusing on improvement rather than winning or losing. A single win means nothing. A single loss means nothing. Even a streak of 15 losses means nothing (except that you should probably stop playing). All that matters is improvement. Right?
Yesterday I played a guy named "larry" twice in a row.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DLuG2.png)
Larry 8 pooled me. I got supply blocked like a scrub at 18 and lost. :C
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fiHlt.png)
Game two we were on condemned ridge. Larry was very quiet. I nonetheless confided in him:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/NkSzy.png)
Larry didn't reply. This time I held the 8 pool.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zROxI.png)
Larry found his own way to have fun, I guess. I imagine that if you 8 pool every game, losing doesn't mean as much. To each their own, I suppose xD
Do you play Starcraft for fun? If not, how do you rationalize continuing to play?
I often get burned out from playing sc2 super seriously, so recently I've started cheering a lot. I've found that I love micro intensive medivac play, and while my mechanics aren't that good, I have loads of fun because of the sense of accomplishment when I pull of some micro I didn't think I could do, whether or not I win in the end.
No. Not even close. I hate the game 99.9999% of the time.
But it's the only thing I'm decent at.
definitely for fun, but fun its not the same for me and for you. for me is like, the more trouble i have to defeat someone, the more fun i have doing it, its no just wining, is the path i have to follow to that goal that makes it fun.
for example, some times i have to play a TvZ in daybreak and im like... fuuuu i dont wanna play this so i 2 rax, if i win its like meh another game but if instead i play a macro game, having to kill BL+infestors, split marines, etc, its so much fun than just wining in a "easy" way
quit the game long time ago. playing bw sometimes just for fun
play for fun, i take great satisfaction in improving myself -- winning or losing does not matter to me.
I second what Topin said. For me, the frustration of losing and aggravation that comes with it are what makes finally figuring it out and seeing real improvement more rewarding and fun of an experience. Plus, I really love to problem solve.
The other thing I really enjoy is helping my close friends achieve improvement. I've been playing a lot of practice games with them lately and I'm having tons of fun! It's something I've enjoyed in a lot of instances in life (coaching youth football, helping guildies in WoW, etc.) and it's something I really enjoy doing and is kind of ingrained in me.
most of the time, i play for fun^^ but there is certainly always the passion to win as well. Also, i wanna maintain a gm spot, but most of the time i just play what comes to my mind and im having fun with it^^
I play for fun because yea it is a game but I am also super competitive with any game I play. I like being better then the opponent and if I am not better then I practice and practice till I become better.
Well I played for fun but hard to have fun when you lose in almost any game imo :D.
I can't even watch for fun lately because I dislike watching all 3 zerg matchups tvz/zvz/zvp all get extremely boring for me. tvz being so bad/annoying lately has made me pretty much quit playing entirely.
I used to play a lot and had tons of fun doing so, but now I mostly play other games. SC2 got too boring once people realized they could just turtle like crazy against terran and get a free win in the late game since master level terran players don't have ungodly unit control and positioning.
I still love TvT, but it's only like 10% of my games now, so screw that.
I don't have a lots of fun playing , I still like it but ... it's too hard for me to think about " fun " when I know i'm doing everything wrong , I am at a very poor level , losing make me feel angry only because everytime I know my opponnent is not " good " or necessarly " better " than me , it's mainly me doing mistakes.
I had and continue to have fun , sometimes , holding cheese , putting hard macro , " insane multitask " (at this level it's more queue a drop and a+t+move your army at the same time ) . . . But in the same time , I don't really seek for " fun " anymore in anything , I like to feel overhelm by my mistakes ( kinda weird I guess )
On November 13 2012 04:59 TrippSC2 wrote: I second what Topin said. For me, the frustration of losing and aggravation that comes with it are what makes finally figuring it out and seeing real improvement more rewarding and fun of an experience. Plus, I really love to problem solve.
The other thing I really enjoy is helping my close friends achieve improvement. I've been playing a lot of practice games with them lately and I'm having tons of fun! It's something I've enjoyed in a lot of instances in life (coaching youth football, helping guildies in WoW, etc.) and it's something I really enjoy doing and is kind of ingrained in me.
There's definitely a social aspect to why I play, I think... need to set a good example for all my CSL buddies xD
I was pretty decent at Starcraft 2 (played at low masters level), but I felt that it got boring because you were almost forced into doing the same thing every match. FFE against zerg. 2 gate-stargate and pray no DTs against toss. Terran, 1 gate fe- and still hope they don't go 111. I just stopped having fun after a while and quit. I didn't have any friends that played the game either. That was the main reason. Only knew a few people irl that played, and they were of such a lower skill level to me that it was fruitless to try to play with them or compare myself to them or talk strategy.
The one thing I kinda did enjoy was doing extremely non-standard play style. Usually this revolved around making my army mostly out of robo and stargate units and skipping stalkers completely. Why get stalkers when you can have immortals right? In any case, doing that stuff and trying to make it work added some flavor into the game for me.
The frustration and anger from loss makes winning that much more rewarding. If every single instance of life was enjoyable, one would quickly bore of life itself.
It is the difficulties and hardships that spice our lives to make the happy times better.
Honestly, I find SC2 extremely boring as Terran's perspective Now these days, when I ladder all I see is me doing a little push to delay enemy's 200/200 push. Zerg or Toss, it doesnt really matter. People also learned to deal with drops better so my multitasking effort is not worth the effort :/ But I'm having a lot of fun when I offrace in Monobattle so I think I'll change my race in HOTS since playing Terran isnt fun for me
I don't really play for fun. I play for my inner competitiveness and the drive of getting better at something I like through hard "work". In the end, that satisfaction I feel after a game well-played could be considered fun.
I like making the units, and then making the units attack, and I like hitting lots of buttons really fast. I wasn't really focusing on the winning or the losing. Seems fun to me.
The HoTS beta is just an endless source of frustration for me to the point where I'm no longer playing it. I feel bad because a lot of people still want access and I have it but won't use it. I play wings of liberty for fun all the time and generally enjoy myself regardless of if i win or lose. Hots I'm just stumbling around like a blind person never sure wtf I should be building or why and oh god not that 5 oracle melt your buildings in 5 seconds nonsense again etc etc.