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I have played sc2 since 2011ish, and is currently masters league on eu.
They deal 2 more damage against non-light units compared to standard hellions and have lower attack cooldown, they have 135 hp and splash attack... AND THEY COST 100 MINERALS.
I agree that they lack creativity, since they are indeed just... a firebat in disguise.
However while all you other guys whine about it, i will go ahead and own some newbies with these op fellas.
Ok, maybe they are a bit handicapped in mobility and attack range, however that is the reason why you need tanks with them. Tanks outrange everything, and force your opponent to let the battlehellions get close, in an attempt to kill the tanks.
Also, while i am at blogging i would like to say a word or two about how it is playing hots atm.
I got GM 3 days ago after beating a goldleague player (lol), since the amount of players in hots is so low and mmr haven't kinda setled, rank dosen't mean anything and you meet everyone from bronze to gm, until you get kinda highish into masters, and you will meet people that were dia-gm in wol.
Since i play terran i will mostly focus on those matchups, however i tried offracing some in hots aswell.
TvZ is a bit silly, however most of the games i have played is just kinda standard tvz without anyone using the new units. Widow mines makes terrans defensive early game insane, and offers some aggression aswell. Early roach attacks are easily countered if scouted.
Widowmine rushes were stupidly op the first month, but it feels like good players know exactly how to deal with it now.
Also i hope they do something to swarmhosts soonish, because 2 base swarmhostallins force terran into a specific techpath of mech/air in the earlygame, since bio is so bad against it. I have made it work with a huge bunkerwall and mass drops, however it just seems silly when i can do tanks instead.
I have also tried out some silly builds that were not possible in wol. For example mass widowmine into quick 4 bases into mass bc in tvz. its kinda silly, and stupidly overpowered right now since zerg cannot punish your greed.
In TvT noone does bio anymore it feels like. Both sides mass widowmines and take 3-4 quickbases into mech. Everyone opens with early aggression of some sort, since widowmine drops and the new reapers are kinda sick. I would not mind if blizzard removed the widowmine for the sake of tvt - bio isen't viable anymore, and its just a big game of minesweeper.
TvP i tried to mech but failed horrible, i am gonna steal morrows build soonish.
Other than that i have played some horrible tvps where i won with 10 min medvac pushes because my opponnents either thought i would mech, or were pretty bad. TvP is kinda the same if you want it to be, however i definetly think mech is alot stronger than in Wol atm, the hellbats and widowmines change it a bit.
Tempest are sick good againts mech, the new oracle thing is kinda wierd, and i think making phoenix/voids to harrass with is better atm. You will only get 3-4 entombs off before vikings are out, or the zerg will have lings and queens to kill them super fast.
The mothershipcore is probably the best unit blizzard has made in hots yet. right now it can teleport itself and all units close to it to target nexus, give target nexus an attack for a minute with a huge range. It allows protoss to pressure zerg in a nonallinish way, kinda like terran drops work right now, but best of all it adds so much to pvz and pvp. It has always been stupidly hard to expand in pvp, however i think it really makes it alot easier now, since the defender will now have an advantage in form of a nexus shooting lasers. In pvz it also got alot easier to defend early, making it easier for protoss to expand. I really hope the pvz metagame goes a bit away from silly 2base allins.