I'm currently around 1650 and formulating what I've experienced in a short time at elo hell and what friends at 1200-1400 complain about.
My theory is that the majority of players in the lower elo range have been influenced to be the best laner in the game "Yo noobs im 7-0 why can't you do the same" rather than being the best leader in game "Hey guys, let me get 200 gold for big item, then we can group and contest objective x,y". You always hear about people complaining games are unwinnable, but how many times do players complain "top too fed gg, my team too heavy" instead of trying to ride whatever advantages they have and make sound decisions to catch up?
Aside from "learn from your personal mistakes" or "snowball your lane harder", I honestly don't hear much "make plays for your team, call out decisions and have players follow". You get the people that will argue no one listens, but from my experience, people are willing to listen and become great team players once you've shown the ability to make sound decisions that bring the team ahead.
A pet peeve I have is people calling things like AP carry or ADC. Maybe it's just to define the role (AP mid and AD bot), but to me it's a direct insult because you haven't carried shit but you've already made the claim you will win us the game by putting "carry" in your role. Again, I feel it elaborates on people trying be a pub star rather than a leader who carries a team to victory.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel players are too focused in their solo performance rather than being a leader for the team. In the end, they miss out in a skill vital to not only raise ELO, but actually becoming a better player in the long run. At the same time, I get this strong vibe that low level solo que is stuck in this mentality about your decent lane performance rather than what you contributed to your team other than a single lane.
TLDR; LoL is a team based game of 5v5, I don't get how so many players are stuck under a mentality that you can get away with being a good solider rather than an actual captain. Yet, many still expects to win the majority of their games in their elo.