This summer was the most amazing and rewarding period of my entire life. Admittedly, 16 years isn't very long, but even so. My life took a complete and total U-turn. I was rescued from an abusive relationship by my father, who's been pulling for me for years. For so long it seemed like I was screwed, and that I'd be stuck there until I reached the age of majority. Then everything just unwound. I was released from it, and I moved 45 minutes away into a two-bedroom apartment with my father.
I was taking summer school classes to get my act together after failing 3 classes last year. I passed them all (Not as well as I could have, but it was a start), and for it was rewarded with all the parts necessary to build an amazing computer. I didn't deserve it, but I won't complain.
Then school started a week ago. That went well. A lot better than starting at a new school could be, at least. Met a lot of people, and I've kept up on the work, so all goes well in that regard.
Yet something is off, and something I've been listening to outside my window while trying to sleep is prompting me to type this.
For a couple of years now, my goal in life has been to become an attorney, to learn the legal system in an attempt to help prevent or end people in situations like I was in. I've been ignorant of the real world the last few weeks, but tonight I'm reminded.
From outside the window I hear another boy, my age and who lives in my building, telling someone a story. For the sake of privacy I won't say much else about it, but that, if true, it tells a hauntingly familiar tale. To be honest, I don't know this kid. I don't know who he is, what he likes, or even his name, so I couldn't say that what he's said is true. But, for a moment I'll have faith in him, if just to prove my point. I know what it's like to not be believed by people, to be in a situation where there is no good way out: where if you give in you destroy your credibility, but if you hold out nothing gets done anyways and you're punished for trying.
I know there are people out there who need help but will never get it.
So, for the moment, I'll stand back and lick my wounds. Soon, though, I need to get back in there and help people. Get my life on track, and then my siblings. Son enough, enough time will have passed that I can do something real.
I know this probably doesn't make sense, but I needed to write it down for my own sake. I need to keep this in a place I can see it. I also know that this isn't eloquently written, or that many people care. Hell, I can even understand if I sound like an overdramatic or moody preteen girl. Like I said, I needed to write this down; to acknowledge the changing epoch in my life and to remind myself of my goals and the reasons behind them.
Thanks, and have a lovely night guys.