I made some really neat buy scripts in case someone is interested. In 1.6 I arrogantly believed that I had the most convenient buy scripts and transferred that over to CS:GO. Even if not the best they are an improvement other regular buyscripts and def other using the menu. If you guys like it and will be using it I will improve the scripts to improve functionality, fit your liking and work out any bugs. Also current version is for WASD users only
What does it do:
They main difference from most other scripts is that you buy your most used weapons and equipment very fast & without having to move your hands. Just press tab and roll the mwheel up and down. Tab still displays your scores, and when you release it mouse-wheel regains its original functionality as well. Here's more detail on how it works atm:
Hold tab, then mwheel up - buys ak47 or m4a1.
Hold tab, then mwheel down - tries to buy the following (depends on $): Kevlar + helmet, kevlar if you cant afford the helmet, defuser (if ct), hegenade, flashbang.
Hold mouse3, then mwheel down - buys defuser, hegrande and flashbang (used to buy primary ammo but we dont need that now afaik).
Hold mouse3, then wheel up executes stopsound command (if it still works). [If you pubbed in 1.6 stopsound was vital for annoying announcements and people]
When you release tab or mouse3, mwheel up and down get rebound to pull out your He grenade and Flash bang respectively.
Also, while pressed down tab and mouse3 will show scores & net_graph so you can quickly check your lag/choke and scores as usual without having netgraph on all the time (goes away on release)
-drawback here is that if you used mouse3 before, you will lose that functionality. But if this an issue we can easily find another button to replace m3. We can also add more buy options to other mouse buttons if wanted (ex: right click while holding tab buys an awp; tab+mouse5 buys sg/aug etc)!
So basically if I die, the next round I just hold tab and roll mwheel up and down to buy my primary and equipment, and I am good to go. If I'm alive on only need to refill nades I just press mouse3 and roll the wheel down.
Editing to fit your preferences
You can easily edit those to fit your weapon preferences, i just put in what I thought was essential. F.e. atm I added decoy to my other nades. To do so open autoexec.cfg and go down to\\\\buys\\\\\iokke\\\\ section, and look through the coding, it's fairly easy to duplicate/edit. If you need help pm me and I'll add an explanation on how to do it
Other binds:
Rest of the buy binds are pretty standard. I mapped the weapons like so for my friends who wanted to try all the guns (Tried to group them logically):
![[image loading]](http://i46.tinypic.com/wklpit.jpg)
Bugs so far:
Also there is a bug atm and T can buy p2000 by using binds (they aren't supposed to right?), so ";" key actually buys both pistols on T, and only P9000 as intended on CT.
I have a tenkeyless keyboard, so I could not check all of the keypad binds. If any are messing up let me know please!
Download autoexec.cfg from here:
When finished, put it in your steam>steamapps>common>Counter-Strike Global Offensive>csgo>cfg folder. Then make sure you enable console in your settings and at the start of the game open the console and type "exec autoexec.cfg". As an alternative you can make your config file read only and add the following lines to it:
exec autoexec.cfg
bind f12 "exec autoexec.cfg" (so that you can execute it with a bind if needed, i read somewhere that there is a bug and plain exec command in config doesn't always work).
If you only want the key binds and don't want other settings to change, open the file with notepad and delete everything prior to /////buys/////iokke///// section.
However, unless you already tweaked your .cfg, I strongly recommend that you look through those settings and leave them unless you know you don't want em. Those tweaks will help "optimize" your CS:GO to look a bit more like 1.6, get rid of some annoying features and improve the net code. I took most of those from KiloSwiss' post here:
Also pressing "V" will cycle through voice volume settings of 0 0.5 and 1
Btw feel free to grab my config as well from the same folder, but I don't think there is anything special there besides my bank account info (jk don't go looking for it).
Anyway, I hope someone will find this useful, and again, if people like this I'll improve the scripts! Also would appreciate if anyone can link me to good up to date info on .cfg tweaks. Happy fragging during your sc2 breaks!
Hope I am in the right section since there is no CS:GO section yet (will there be one?).
I added "by iokke" to the tittle only to make it easier to find in the search. & Thanks for the tip on kp_multiply