It's been a while since i've posted on my blog about my casting but here's a few quick updates:
- IPL Community Caster : You might have seen I won the IPL Contest and was one of four casters selected to do the Qualifiers for IPL 5! It was a lot of fun, but I believe my last was the International Regional which was ridiculous.
- Bringing back my YouTube channel : I've been solo-casting on my youtube a little more to get more casting in because of my work schedule is ridiculous and thus hard to always cast events But I'll link some videos later on that I hope you catch up on my other stuff :D
- Liquid HerO replay pack : I found this while looking for replays to cast so without further ado, here's 2 Bo3's from Liquid HerO vs IMYoDa and Liquid HerO vs TSLHyun!
LiquidHerO vs IMYoDa
LiquidHerO vs TSLHyun
Please, if you have any comments or critiques, post on the youtube or here, or if you wish my email
Thanks for checking this out!