1) I'm lazy
2) I don't know where the cord is, too many of them lying around this house anyways
3) Most of them are faraway pics
4) Most of them are NOT of the game, watch a VOD for that crap
5) I'm lazy
6) But I may post them later
7) This is my blog so w/e
Anyways...stream of consciousness here...lessee...(NOTE: THE FIRST HALF OF THIS WILL NOT BE SC-RELATED)
6:00 PM. I'm 15 minutes away by walk to Bulgwang station. I did a brief 5K running thingy and of course I spend more time cleaning up than I do actually running = ________ =. Run to the station. I'll get there 30 minutes early, I can use the 8th floor with consumer electronics where the escalator is, right? I know how to get to the 8th floor...I hope.
....I'm gonna arrive 20 minutes late, aren't I?
6:15. I push my way through entirely too many girls at the bookstore trying to get a notebook and a little something for signing/sign-waving purposes. Camouflaging myself as a sweaty guy in not-jeans and a not-Super Junior-wannabe outfit in what seems to be a stationary section entirely made for girls (not that Staples is a place for manly men), I throw my card at the girl behind the counter, take the notebook + little something and run off. Don't buy notebooks in Korea. They're way too damn thin for what they sell for.
Also, there are entirely too many stairs. Everywhere. asdfjkl;
6:30. My plan was to have arrived at Yongsan at this point and walk around a bit in the confusing-as-fuck IParkMall before walking in like a baller into the eSports Stadium. Apparently my plan involved magically teleporting myself across central Korea, which seemed like a legitimate option after playing too many games of Kamidori Alchemy Meister the hours before. Ah well. I counted the minutes until I got to Yongsan from Bulgwang (30-ish minutes, amirite?) impatiently. I brought a laptop and a book, just so I could relax in the stadium until Fanta and Flash got onto three bases. Surprisingly, just like the first time you check your PC in Pokemon, I found a Maxim T.O.P. blend in my bag. I saved that for the match, in case this TvT would (probably) last until 7:30 in the morning.
7:00. I arrive in Yongsan station. Ok, I knew the drill - get the hell to the 8th floor. In retrospect, yes, I should have checked the TL thread for getting to the 9th floor here, but I was a maverick. I ran across the 3rd floor, got on an elevator to the 6th floor (goddamn elevators here are so fucking frustrating), ran across the 6th floor, found more elevators to the 6th floor, cursed myself for being retarded, found an escalator to the 7th floor, walked outside, ran around like a chicken with its head cut off, brute forced all pathways, and finally got to the 8th floor. YES! The rest was easy. Oh, how I hate Yongsan.
7:17. I get up the escalator. There's a huge line - even more than for Jangbi vs ZerO (obviously), but instead of arriving 15 minutes late, I arrive 15 minutes early. I see a sign near the end of the line. Something about...people with tickets get priority?!?!?! Fucken SNM didn't tell me about this. I learn from last time and go straight to the front of the line to the right of the entrance, because lines are stupid.
Some minutes before 7:30. The ushers/guards/people with black suits start shooing the people away from the entrance. "We're sorry! You won't be able to gain entrance even if you're here! Please back off! Make way!" People initially back off, then close in like 50 million sharks trying to eat a minnow through a hole. What the hell were they talking about? Were they gonna close it off to like half the people that came to see this shit? Were they going to broadcast it on the TV next to the entrance that was playing laggy VODs of fantasy vs. a poor noob? Of course not. Besides, there was space in the back of the stadium.
People started to complain. "Why can't we go in? We've been waiting more than an hour for this! We're the ones who're going to stand for an entire TvT (Actually that last bit was me)!" Fights over who was in front started to break out. An older (30s?) woman and a guy in his 20s started to threaten each other. Correction: the woman was overreacting. Later I found out that she was an enthusiastic (she had to be, else why would she take them to an eSports event?) mother of three. I felt sorry for those kids.
The people in black suits talked a lot in front of the hungry wolves, because thinking about how to let people fill up an empty space took an excess of 10 minutes. Everyone was tense. Then, finally, the horde was set free!
And then promptly stopped. "DON'T PUSH! DON'T PUSH!"
Of course everybody shouted something like "We're getting pushed, not pushing..." and "Let's not push..." while subtly leaning on the person in front of them. Slowly, I came out as if I was doing a crabwalk while also facing a limbo stick. But alive. That was good. I came out to the side. Oh fubishit, I might actually get a closer seat this time. I knew that I would slowly evolve closer and closer to the stage. Oh...wait...everyone's sitting down without actual seats. I could already feel the pain in my loins-
Wait, was that a chair next to the VIP booth thingy?
Using quick decision-making skills worthy of a D-level ICCUP player, I nabbed the chair and put it in a vantage point so I could see the screen and everything else clearly. For the rest of the night, I was the only person in the crowd with a legit chair. Hoo yea. Oh, except for that one lady in the booth looking bored next to me. Fucka you, lady. I came here with 15 minutes to spare and I didn't need your VIP pass or leather bag to get a chair.
Later I realized that my position was such that my left ear was primed to hear the speakers blasting into it. It's ok, I didn't care about my hearing anyways.
I readied my body in anticipation, both for the excitement of the games and for the long haul. Gogogogogogo 3-2, I have 30 dollars for the taxi because the metros are gonna be closed when Flash v Fanta set 5 ends.
Some time after 7:30. The games are the games. I'm sure you don't need me to say stuff that a billion other people will. Chef will, of course, write off another player in a QQ thread. Suffice it to say that Flash simply lost the way he did in Proleague, which was rather disappointing, since it obviously shows more his stubbornness and unwillingness to cut losses instead of adapting, which Fantasy did very well. Whether Flash's talent is being transferred via USB 3.0 to SC2 or whether Flash is being slowly outplayed is a matter that will not be discussed here.
As for me, I enjoy the games. many people enviously bend the back of my plastic LG chair, but I guard it as tenaciously as Flash did his corner expansions in game 1. I take lots of blurry pictures. I was never very good at Pokemon Snap. I hold up a sign that says "Huneun-nim vs God? Lee Young Ho GOGO!!" for two games but the cameraman doesn't snap to my sign. My penmanship is too dazzling for the viewers. I don't hold it up for set 3 though, because it's awkward as shit. Everyone to the left (the side that Flash's booth was on) was pretty quiet throughout that set too.
Overall though, there was much less cheering than in Jangbi vs ZerO. Was it because Kim Carrier wasn't speaking up? Was it because Flash simply wasn't the dominating force of nature that we had seen in previous OSLs? I wouldn't know.
Oh and there was a white guy with his Asian (girlfriend?) temporarily standing in front of me for set two. When I spoke to her in Korean to please sit down because I created a lot of legroom for myself in front of the chair (should have sold that shit for 10,000 won), she replied, "Excuse me?"
In English.
smh...I told her to please sit down because I didn't want to appear on camera as the guy who looks like he's resting his head on a girl's waist.
10:00-ish. The games end. Cheering. Lots of cheering. "JUNG-MYUNG-HOON! JUNG-MYUNG-HOON!" Everyone joins in except for probably the Flash fanclub and whoever left after they saw that Flash could not, in fact, 4-0 Fantasy. Everybody's pulling out their smart phones as per usual. Pictures. Pictures. I take way too many useless pics of Fantasy. He does his interview. Says modest stuff. Etc etc etc.
The booth girl doesn't look like she's crying this time. SNM tells me that that was due to the makeup, but I'd like to know what kind of makeup makes a girl look like she's gonna have a nervous breakdown.
The crowd clears away. I back off because I know that from here on out, the rest are just formalities.
10:10 Get out to the back. I pass the entrance to the outside area. There are a lot of short fangirls. Thank God it wasn't raining like last week. My mission is to find white people and surprise them by saying "Teamliquid? Teamliquid?" like a dumbass until somebody gets it. I succeed, finding GTR (face recognized from the vlog I guess) and a white guy (kjwcj). They have accents. Interesting. So does everybody else that I meet this time. I also meet the person that I talked to during the Jangbi vs ZerO set. Of course he doesn't recognize me and gives me a hesitant "...sup", but that's coo', awkward turtles are all the rage these days.
Uhhhhhhhh the fan meeting happens. I talk with kjwcj (I am tempted to just call you 'white person' because my mind can't handle that many consonants strung together, unless it's asthma or phenolphthalein) and GTR for a short while. Fanta comes out (we can always tell by the fact that the volume goes up in the crowd). He stands there. Fan meeting. More fan meeting. We can't tell. I think he's doing magic tricks and breakdancing for the crowd, but I could be wrong. GTR and kjwcj make a quick exit, knowing the futility of getting anything from Fanta. Since I was much dumber than them, I stay and ready my little something and a weapon of my choice: a green felt tip pen.
There are two elevators that are reachable from where Fanta came out: the one to his right (closer) and the one to his left (further away). He (and his impromptu guards...?) race towards the closer one. The mob follows and so do I. Only a few people make it next to Fantasy while waiting for the elevator. Everyone else gets cockblocked because the unofficial fanclub guards wave their hands imperiously and say shit like "No more! No more can come!"
Fortunately an older person that works the mall and has some common sense comes around and motions for people to quickly get their asses down the elevator, because the mall is closing and won't wait around for stupid nerd fans. I manage to get to the front and close in near Fantasy.
"Please sign this birthday card!" C'mon, five seconds. You're right in front of me.
"No, sorry - he hasn't signed anything today - he needs to go." That one guy blocking off fantasy is beginning to piss me off, but what he says makes sense from a fairness standpoint. Sorry, Jason. Your BDay card will be Fantasy-less - for now...
Good thing I got in front, though. I manage to get on the second elevator ride down (the first one was obviously taken by Fanta + some lucky bastards). Got down quicker than a lot of people. Rode next to some Fantasy fangirls sneering at Flash fans. "If Flash won, they would have been throwing ramen [like throwing rice at weddings]..." lolololo
I get down. It's the 1st floor. Siiiiiiigh. I climb back UP the stairs to get to Yongsan station.
10:40. I'm switching lines on Jongro 3-ga. Nomnomnom Goraebab.
11:00. I walk out of Bulgwang station and into where I'm staying over the summer. The chicken-selling place next to me either uses bad oil or doesn't replace it regularly. It smells greasy but tastes bad. Actually, all fried/marinated + fried chicken in Korea is absolutely fucking awful. Don't buy that shit, especially for how small the wings/legs are and for how expensive that is. They don't even sell thighs, for chrissakes. I look to my left as I go in. Dumb Korean women all trying the same headbands, getting the same uniform as their idols although they look completely different.
And then it hits me.
I just watched Flash vs. Fantasy live.
Go eSports?
Btw, I was walking back into the stadium for some photos after the games ended and I bumped into a pair of girls. Using my starsense, I quickly took (completely non-stalkerish) pics of them from side/behind. The guys next to me laughed as they disappeared into the back of the VIP booth thingy...until they figured out that the two were the booth girls. Then they started giggling and exclaiming among themselves. GG
EDIT 2: Pics are up. Here they are, because a lot of them aren't that suited to be sandwiched within the blog.
+ Show Spoiler [WARNING: IMAGE-HEAVY] +
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank whoever's up there looking out for me, because I always seem to get a really nice situation during these games, even though I arrive way later than I should.
Oh, and bitch please.
Shameless fanservice
Now you don't need to use your imagination to see what the stadium is like. Sorry if you were imagining some kinda indoor baseball stadium extravaganza.
I had more pics of just the arena than I thought. Sorry, I'll be more publicly awkward and take more pics of other shit next time. Or something. Comic World will be good for that. I hope Miyuko comes. I am digressing.
The usual pre-game casterception.
Flash enters the booth. Fantasy enters the huge LED screen. That reminds me, 4D movies are annoying as fuck. Don't watch them unless you like getting water squirted at you during the middle of a fight scene.
Casters castering - just in case you forgot their faces after one day of not seeing them
See that minimap? That surround? It was so good...
Until Fanta starts to crawl up the map. Commentators were talking about it too.
Unfortunately, Flash stubbornly refuses to realize that against Fantasy's mobile, small group of wraiths, goliaths and valkyrie hard counters + mass drop tactics are not the answer. However, he did use the dropships to a pretty good extent in defending 1 & 5 o'clock...until cloaked wraiths gut-punched Flash.
That base was not very well defended by Flash. Too bad it was his natural.
I discreetly put my Flash encouragement sign away.
Fanta into fanta.
The VIP booth thingy (that also had ppl working at the comps) + the speaker that was attached...and blasting into my ears.
This was the only pic that came out not blurry?! Q_____Q
Well anyways, I bumped into and apologized to them. Just like detecting a Protoss timing attack by the lack of a natural gas after the core is complete, I see familiar shiny qq makeup + suspiciously skimpy white clothing. Did I suspect something? You bet. Bastard on the right with the black shirt didn't know what hit him until they disappeared off into the backstage. Suck it down.
Oh btw, these pics are in the back of the stadium.
Bitches force everyone down to the first floor. The station is on the third floor. Asdfjkl;
Oh, and GTR, screw you for pre-empting me and posting ezpz vlog. You can't cheat by garnering views with a video showing Korean fangirls screaming their lungs out
EDIT: P.S.: Can anyone tell me if there are
1) Places where they sell Weiss Schwarz cards
2) Places where artists sign and stuff
At Comic World Seoul?