I realized that I had one thing missing from the mix of things. some buddies or palls, maybe a friend,
just someone to play with! Since then I've googled and searched for some sort of VoIP channel or group that someone has created for new players to chat and just have fun playing the game. But unfortunately my efforts have bore no fruit and I never found anything quite like what I was searching for. But then i discovered something that could possibly help.
I've used teamliquid.net as my SC2 news feed and a quick-link-hot-spot for live streams for some time now. Only a few minutes before this post I wondered what was at the bottom of the website and much to my surprise and satisfaction was a blog tab just waiting to be found...
(I'm actually a little embarrassed I've never seen it before >.>\)...*cough*...
Now here I am in a search for someone, or a group to play with!
I am 16 years old, highly invested into going through college and attaining some sort of focus in my life and i possibly...maybe...could be good company? idk, at least my girlfriend thinks so...i mean come on, if she thinks so, someone has to as well...right? ba-dum tshh :D
I am very much so looking forward to reading replies and possibly
meeting new people to play SC2 with
Thank you so much for reading this, its basically my first "blog" so be gentle

Character name: Provect
Character Code: 966
-Provect, Cheers