- I have terrible internet connection and cannot watch VoD's/Streams
- I basicly cannot play properly online (To much lag)
- I have decent internet at school (But time is limited there + I have more interesting things to do)
- I can listen to podcasts
- I can download replays
And of course I can read TL
This leads to a certain disconnect. New players like Symbol, Squirtle and even DongRaeGu I only really know about because of podcasts and seeing their name all over the place. If someone was to ask me what strengths those players had, I would probaly reply
"Oh you know, they're just good?"
This has also lead to an increased interest in Brood War. Unlike SC2 replays, BW replays are very small and very fast to start up. They are also much more entertaining in bulk, (I would rather watch 100 high level BW replays than 100 high level SC2 replays). This new-found interest in Brood War has shown me why SC2 is inferior.
I wont bore you with the reasons of why BW is suprerior. It might be nostalgia speaking (I found out about Starcraft around the age of 7-9), but behind its old graphics is a brilliantly made game.
But please, check out all the community projects trying to improve the core gameplay of SC2. As a former WC3 map maker (I plan to blog about that one day), I know the feeling of putting large amounts of time into creating a mod for a community.
Modified Movement
Starbow MOD