It's been a couple weeks since my last blog so I thought I would write another with
an update on how things are going since I started practicing and a current
overview of my builds I am using on the ladder.
Over the past week I didn't do a lot of laddering as Random, mainly as Terran.
Not that I have totally made up my mind as to which race I am going to play but
Terran is the race I am most interested in and enjoy playing. I think deep down I
do actually want to pick Terran as my race but I am so much better (or used to
be) with Protoss as Zerg that it makes it hard to justify. In the end, I want to be
the best player I can be and if that means not picking my favorite race then so
be it.
Anyways, like I said, mainly Terran the past week so here's my overall progress:
Ladder Rank:
Currently sitting in top 25 Masters on two NA accounts, and top 8 daimond on
my KR account. This is about where I have been with protoss in the past so it's
nice to get here with Terran for once (although it is the beginning of the season
so these ranks may not be 100% accurate).
Current Map Vetos:
TDA: There's really not a lot of reasons why other than the map is big and I don't
feel confident playing on it yet as I'm relitivley new with Terran.
Entombed Valley: I have a specific reason, I have troubles with Protoss on this
map. I'm begining to think instead of trying to do ANY midgame aggression it
might just be better to get a quick third and fourth CC and just soft contain with
drop harass until Protoss has a decent army then back off. Too many games I've
gone against quick storm and a quick third and it almost always ends with me
losing a lot of my units in bad trades then falling behind.
The new map (I forget it's name): It's new, I honestly just having looked at the
map enough to come up with tactics on it so it's on the back burner.
Current Builds:
I'm going to skip any cheeses an all-ins because I only do them for warm ups or
when I'm tilting or high or whatever. All of the following builds are my standard,
go-to builds that I use 90% of the time maybe with some varying openers
depending on the map.
TvZ: I really like this new style of MMM with heavy aggression. I
play Terran to be aggressive and this style is awesome. Here's the flow of my
1 rax fe ->
4 rax gasless ->
7 min marine push towards third ->
3 gas behind push ->
tech to starport and double ups ->
two pronged attack when medivacs are done ->
Late game transition to Raven/Sky Terran
I'm still working on my own variant of it so if you watch my stream you might see the specifics of the build change but the overall idea of MMM is going to stay unless there's a huge shift in the meta-game.
TvP: Not much to talk about here that is surprising to anyone, MMMVG for the most part. Some maps I go 5 rax then 3rd CC, some maps I got 3rd CC then add rax.
1 rax fe ->
2nd, 3rd rax, then double gas(still torn on double or single gas here) ->
Fact Ebay ->
Starport, addons, 3rd, 4th gas ->
eiher rax 4/5 or 3rd CC->
Heavy emphasis on GV late game
Just a couple notes here with this matchup, I am relitivley new as a Terran player and I don't find the late game to be that impossible as everyone says it is. Ghosts are really important, sometimes I have up to 12 of them with my army. As long as I keep my ghosts in the front of my army I can usually land all the EMPs I need and I win a lot of late game battles. If you are struggling with the late game in TvP watch some of my vods or my stream and You'll see how I handle them. I'm not saying I always win because I don't but I do win some battles that I see other people say are impossible.
TvT: I stole my TvT build from watching a stream. I need to come up with my own but this one works well enough while I have a greater emphasis on TvZ and TvP since I'm playing on NA and I more frequently get those matchups instead of TvT. The basis of the build is a 2 base mech all-in with a lot of tanks. Here's the flow chart:
Reactor hellion opening(like the old-school tvz one) ->
cloak banshee ->
two pronged attacks with the hellion and banshee, focusing on SCVs and upgrades->
expand behind the pressure->
get 4 factories total ->
siege tanks, hellions, vikings ->
only upgrades are blue flame and siege mode->
If my opponent also goes mech... instead of attacking, I build a 3rd CC and 2 armories and go into macro mode (attacking into a mech army on two bases is not a good idea, don't do it >.<)
Alright guys my lunch is over at work and I need to go back to bein productive, or at least look like I am.
I will try to stream more this week, watch me and come say hello in chat I would greatly appreciate it :D. You can find me on the non-featured section.
Thanks for reading!
PS. I just noticed some weird formatting thing happening with the first half, I wrote this in notepad so maybe that's why. I don't have time to fix it, sorry