Imagine Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice set within modern times. The main character Lizzie Bennet, is a university student who just started a Vlog talking about her life and events occurring around her.
That is essentially what The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is all about. While the majority of the audience of the web-series are women (and quite understandably so) I'm having a blast watching it. The actresses in the show do a fantastic job of bringing in a modern variation of each of the Bennet sisters and the writing of the show is really well done. If you read the book ,and even if you didn't, I highly recommend giving it a go. The show filled with great humorous moments, and each episode averages around just around 3 minutes. This means that with each episode you watch you are getting something well concentrated on the issue at hand, rather than a longer episode which drifts in several directions.
Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did. Don't be intimidated by it's outer-appearance.