I am a professional time waster.
If I played Starcraft as much as I just sat around all day wasting precious time, I would already be a pro by now.
and most of my time wasted is on this site, TL is very addicting and I visit these forums everyday.
I love the community and everything to do with it but I can't keep doing this.
I have to buckle down and focus on my goal which is Improving at Starcraft 2 and stop wasting the precious time that is given to me, so the point is.....
I have to stop just playing 2 or 3 games of Starcraft 2 and then browsing the internet for hours, because that gets me nowhere, I think that is alot of peoples problems when it comes to improving.
so for awhile I am going to try to go without alot of the sites that I just waste time on and transfer that into practicing and focusing on improving on Starcraft, because I WANT to be better at this game.
I am going to be putting together a schedule that will only consist of my daily duties and once I get them out of the way it is 100% dedication to SC2, no more time wasting for me, I have had enough of it.
It is time to work hard and focus on my dreams, before I get to old to do so.
Goodbye, TL.....for now anyway <3