On May 18 2012 05:49 Soe wrote:
Was nice meeting you there
Also the dog totally made up for the missing turtle!
Was nice meeting you there

Also the dog totally made up for the missing turtle!
That dog was ridiculously photogenic.

On May 18 2012 08:01 Jaaaaasper wrote:
Awesome blog jojo 5/5, the only thing that could have improved it would have been moar cute animals( and hamsters).
Awesome blog jojo 5/5, the only thing that could have improved it would have been moar cute animals( and hamsters).
It's hard to find the right balance. I think this place needs a thread with hamster pics only that can be linked to so people can get their hamster fix in between reading other stuff

On May 18 2012 08:17 diejule wrote:
Dear Jojo! I have been behind the scenes of ESL events as an admin, PR Manager, CM and now Game Head Coordinator for 7 years. This is maybe the 3rd time someone from the eSports press thanked me or gave me credit. It means a lot to me. I wanna thank you for being such a well mannered and smart person. You have been looking into every detail of our event organization which I realized already 5 minutes after I arrived, crawling on the floor to get the best pictures, even photoshopping stuff on the spot and interviewing nearly everybody. Keep it up! I also wanna thank uthermal/curse and grubby/cassandra for sharing food and stories and for the fun drive back to the hotel. I'd gibe you guys a lift anytime. Bernd was as he always is: smart, helpful, pleasant to work with. My thanks also goes out to Alex the best stage manager of all times, pünzli, baschi and Benni. Oh and Meike for impressive driving/ navigation.
Dear Jojo! I have been behind the scenes of ESL events as an admin, PR Manager, CM and now Game Head Coordinator for 7 years. This is maybe the 3rd time someone from the eSports press thanked me or gave me credit. It means a lot to me. I wanna thank you for being such a well mannered and smart person. You have been looking into every detail of our event organization which I realized already 5 minutes after I arrived, crawling on the floor to get the best pictures, even photoshopping stuff on the spot and interviewing nearly everybody. Keep it up! I also wanna thank uthermal/curse and grubby/cassandra for sharing food and stories and for the fun drive back to the hotel. I'd gibe you guys a lift anytime. Bernd was as he always is: smart, helpful, pleasant to work with. My thanks also goes out to Alex the best stage manager of all times, pünzli, baschi and Benni. Oh and Meike for impressive driving/ navigation.

That post made my day. Hands down. Thank you.
On May 18 2012 18:13 Pholon wrote:
Nice blog! :D Cool vid and nice pics ^^ Had a really good time, thanks again to everyone there for such a worthy sunday. See you again sometime soon!
Nice blog! :D Cool vid and nice pics ^^ Had a really good time, thanks again to everyone there for such a worthy sunday. See you again sometime soon!
It's all your fault!

On May 18 2012 18:15 Primadog wrote:
Great work as usual jojo.
Great work as usual jojo.
Except maybe the last blog.
On May 18 2012 18:16 mizU wrote:
Everyone is so photogenic ^^
Everyone is so photogenic ^^