The past week I have been moving and readjusting to my work and school schedule, and because of this I haven't found a good time to get much practice in. My short time has been successful in that my micro has been improving. I have fairily good macro, but really lousy micro so that is something I've been working on.
In one of the games I played this week I had amazing micro. It was a PvP on Ohana and I did a variation of the 3 gate robo build. My opponent this proceeded to 4 gate me. I held the first wave pretty well and killed the pylon so I thought he was going to go back home and macro. So I decided to expand and keep macroing. But right as my expo was finishing he attacked again, this time with a much bigger force. My army was only about half the size of his, so I thought I ws done for. I tried to keep going for it anyways though and see how it turned out. So I microed my stalkers and immortal back and forth and started chipping away at his army without taking much damage. I had to pull probes twice to shield my army, but I eventually held off his army and remade my army and went and killed him.
That game made me happy because my micro saved the day. I also was happy because my stream started getting more viewers. I also now have 4 viewers following my stream. I am going to probably start streaming again on the weekend to get more practice in and try to get more viewers. I am going to keep trying and working on my games till I get to plat.
Anyways I hope this post was a lot better than my last; I'll keep working on getting better at posting and my games. I would love for more viewers to come watch and help me out. So feel free to stop by and watch, and invite people to watch, make fun of my lousy play, help me, or whatever. Helping me is the prefered thing though, but stop by at