I have been playing DotA in the meanwhile, and what sucks about DotA, as every DotA player knows, is the community. This is excactly where SCII stands strong. I just can't play a team game, where one mistake leads to being flamed by everyone. And I am also pissed, having to play with mega newbs 24/7. God fuck ppl suck on the MM. So SC2, here I come. Rusty, out of shape, but I figure I can get my spot back in dia in short time. (I was top dia, rank 1 meeting masters all the time.)
Now I am just wondering one thing. I have played all races at dia lvl, so I know how to play all races. Though, I would say my Zerg is best, and Terran my worst. But what I remember is that I think Terran is utter bullshit to play against as Zerg, and a little as Toss. So this leaves me thinking, should I go Terran, since I will be rusty as hell anyway, I might as well just start Terran. I didn't want to before, because I was low dia with them, and very high dia with zerg, so I didn't nbother to take the drop. But I don't have to take that into account anymore. So maybe, who knows.
TL;DR I am playing SC2 again!!!!!! :D