Replay can also be found here
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Hi, I am currently a diamond Terran player SilentCf.771 and I had competed in the CSL Lone Star Clash. I made a Thread about why UTSA will take the event really just to bring attention to our "unknown" school. It wasn't that we were unknown but we were neglected to be put on the OP of the lone star clash when it talked about CSL(more to do with our late confirmation). Well we did somewhat pretty decent for our first ever display of the talent we have. We had a group of only 3 compared to other groups of four and went 1-3 both matches but it was against the supposed #1 seed University of Houston where our starting match, I, SilentCF vs GM 40 something HeavensLight(who happened to be the "pro" who was also playing in the "pro" invitational tournament)
The game was on metalopolis TvZ. Most people would play against a Grandmaster and attempt to try and learn something about the game yet, hitting mid game all I was thinking about was how much I never ever wanted to play starcraft 2 again. He BM'd me multiple times, one time in particular by burrowing a huge supply of banes outside my nat just trying to make me burn scans. Overall being Bm'd multiple times in front of my friends made me think of how much I could easily say fuck it and just act like I never loved sc2 to begin with and just never play this game ever again. As I was killing his burrowed banes, and his 2k minerals of lings he just sac'd into my marines, I thought maybe what if I could kill his tech and stop his upgrades my marines would be really efficient when I get 3-3 thinking maybe I could BM him back in some way to redeem myself in front of my friends. The worst part maybe was I was getting BM'd in front of my students I helped coach a bit as terran players from silver to plat. I started to push his main and snipe some tech structures to hopefully pull myself back into the game at least somewhat.(not to win just think of a good counter BM =] )
We kept making trades. Some times he would get good fungals but I always had another army ready and waiting. So after this point, I was really just confused and I'd like to think I know my way around late game when I have 3-3 infantry and the infrastructure to adjust to ultra and or broodlords tvz and honestly I'd like to say I know how to make marines quite well.
The game happens as it does me trying my best to be as efficient as humanly possible with marines.
Eventually, I accomplish what I didn't believe I could in the first place but seriously CSL isn't meant for pros to just wreck on lesser players and just attempt to embarrass them with BM, at least that is my opinion.
If I was supposed to GG it was because he killed my buildings of some sort not because he killed half my army then suicide his whole army 3 times over. Yeah I won because he attempted to BM and technically by not thinking I would be aggressive back he ended up throwing the game but the point is this isn't necessary I would've rather been wrecked and given the replay of how well his micro and execution is versus a player trying to show how well he can gain a "macro advantage." This is the second time I have ever played against a GM and I am sure it wont be my last. HeavensLight if you ever do read this I hope we could play again a best of series(some time from now) because that is where I excel the most anyways. I hope you play more professionally in your future matches GG.
Either way this game was a great early birthday present for my bday is monday and can't wait to ladder and bring my new confidence into my play. Ill post the replay later. its st pattys and I'm drunk as fuck. I am glad I got through that game or I would no longer be a player of this great bad ass game. I love you starcraft 2 you'll never cheat or lie to me.
Edit:wow I typed a lot last night sorry I wont drunk blog again. <3