I work for a competitive gaming site that is just sarting out, I don't want to shamelessly promote it so I won't say what it's called or link it.
I want to know what you, the SC2 community wants to see more or less of in sc2 tournies.
Also on a side note, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, I placed it in the forums and got flamed and the thread closed. I don't mind them closing the thread as the way I wrote it before probably sounded like I was shadow promoting, so I tried to reword it here to get my intentions across in a clearer fashion.
I'm sure some of you are getting ready to flame this before you're even done reading it, if I was the reader I probably would too, just because I can. I just want to point out quickly that I'm not an Exec. I'm not a CEO I'm not a salesman and I'm not a promoter. I simply a gamer that is working on a project that has the goal of helping aspiring pros. Which is why I am here now asking you guys what you would like to see.
I look forward to your suggestions.