So the other day after like 3 years I checked this video out:
Almost reinstalled the game instantly. This for me was a perfect game, it was the second game after Guild Wars that I really played online a lot.
From the gameplay perspective it had everything you could wish. The controls were overall smooth and it was a game that promoted heavy teamplay skills(there were classes that added specific things like reviving people, giving them ammo etc.) I am still amazed at this game and wanna know if any teamliquidian played it? What was your experience, did you play at a proffesional level?
Still can't believe how much things evolved, even back then we had shoutcasters and tournaments were popping around. Aside from knowing that Korea had some crazy game everyone was gathering around, this was my bread and butter as far as e-sports go.
I used to play it like 4 years ago just for fun with a few guys from uni, it was so good. The maps and classes and things seemed really balanced, I might pick it up again soon. :D
I remember playing regulary on some US server with quite decent skill level, after getting used to some 150-200 ping and playing with them, it was really easy to dominate some sub-50 ping EU pubs. Even though I only remember playing it for about year to two, I played a lot. Never on serious clan though, it was enough to play on server where majority of people were pretty good regulars.
I still think they should have swapped the max health between soldier and medic though, if there weren't class limits, there wasn't much of a reason to go with soldier unless that spesific player knew how to abuse some of the heavy weapons to the maximum.
Hah, I remember playing on two US servers something like "ETBox west/east" those two were quite good iirc.
Yea you're right soldier was kinda gimp, but you could do some really awesome things with panzerfaust. It was even used a lot in pro games, especially by Winghaven. Flamethrower and mortar were too reliant on maps. You could use mortar to great effect on Battery, and flamethrower in all of those close-quarters maps.
RtCW (return to castle wolftenstein), the game ET is based on was waaaaaay better than ET, in my humble opinion. The game was much more fun and more competitive. But ignoring RtCW, ET is still one of the best shooter I played... Just love the way both games play compared to other shooters; and real objective play is <3<3
I played RtCW at quite high level, was in several clans that were in the top range on clanbase... God I miss the times
Omg I played this game so hardcore from like 04-06.
I was on a competitive team too. [ELC]LuckyFool ftw.
I played on two pretty awesome servers. Beginners Park 3 (bpark3) which I guess started off as a noob friendly server but eventually had tons of competitive regulars. And later I played on OldFarts Clan server which didn't have as many competitive players (bunch of 40year olds) but it was hella fun bein on team speak and trolling them holllly shit so much fun. Was nice being one of the best players on the server almost always LOL.
One of the sickest games ever. I was disappointed when the single player campaign was cut out, but it ended up being released for free and now it's a legendary FPS. Aw man, now I got that urge to reinstall the game and strafejump and circle jump everywhere.
Haha wow blast from the past... I played this game a ton for ~4-5 years in middle school and high school. Reinstalled it over the summer too, but couldn't get fullscreen to work properly on my widescreen laptop and I got SC2 so I don't play it anymore. I used to play on one or two servers only for about a year at a time, forgot what the first few servers I frequented were but the most recent was [LZ]. Vaguely remember ET box before that (usually I was top 10% on a server, here I was bottom 50% for sure lol). Playstyle was probably best described by team-oriented rambo medic but sniping was pretty fun too.
I was really hoping to recognize someone in this thread, so sad =[
Lots of fond memories of ET, fun game. It's a shame that QW:ET and RTCW2("Wolfenstein") were both terrible, and Brink wasn't good either, and now that style of team game is basically dead forever because Splash Damage is a terrible, terrible company.
God that game was awesome. The Medic class was a bit crazy (less medic-ing, and more running madly in and killing everyone), but you could do so well with all the classes with the right tactics.
My favourite class had to be the soldier with the mortar. I even made sketches of maps with angles written down for decent lurking points and everything. It was especially hilarious when some idiot tried to knife you. Just launch one straight up as they approach, and wait for it to land on their head a few seconds later.
There were some really great custom maps made as well (the desert maps, a rocket launch one, and a beach landing stick out in my mind).
Hmm I'm a bit surprised there's so many ET fans, especially from US. I don't really remember being it that popular in the states? Can't remember any pro teams as well T_T But the public servers in US were better compared to EU I think.
@ Hesmyrr, It started with Wolfenstein(and some other wolfenstein games before that) then RTCW came(Return to castle Wolfenstein) and ET, which is kind of a mod to RTCW. A lot of people preffered RTCW, probably because it was a bit faster. There's also Enemy Territory:QuakeWars which is kind of set in Quake world but with ET-ish classes and such.
Rtcw/ET are considered to be the most popular/good.
On February 16 2012 07:08 Andr3 wrote: Hmm I'm a bit surprised there's so many ET fans, especially from US. I don't really remember being it that popular in the states? Can't remember any pro teams as well T_T But the public servers in US were better compared to EU I think.
@ Hesmyrr, It started with Wolfenstein(and some other wolfenstein games before that) then RTCW came(Return to castle Wolfenstein) and ET, which is kind of a mod to RTCW. A lot of people preffered RTCW, probably because it was a bit faster. There's also Enemy Territory:QuakeWars which is kind of set in Quake world but with ET-ish classes and such.
Rtcw/ET are considered to be the most popular/good.
ET in the states basically died after the 2 qcons. There was a small population that stuck around in small leagues, putting together canadian/US teams for nations cup, and some played on european teams in w/e competitions I believe. I can't say as much about that last part because I had stopped playing by then and only talked to people.