So with MLG announcing that the Winter Arena is PPV there's been an uproar. Some have said that it's a great step forward, and some degree of self-sustainability is needed for these big events. Team CEO's dislike the PPV model, but can also understand the need for it (http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=311778) . Many have said they'll just watch Assembly instead.
The sentiment you can take from this is that PPV is okay - it's not loved, but people will absolutely support it. What's not okay is the way MLG is doing this.
They're charging $20 for one three day event. In response people are furious - $20 for one event? - and rightly so.
The thing is, when you look at what they're offering, it might be worth the money. You get five HD streams - the main stream, 3 gameplay streams and a behind-the-scenes stream - as well as instant VODS and a bunch of other premium features that people otherwise pay a membership fee for. With all of this, they might actually outstage GSL/IPL/Dreamhack and give the best tournament experience yet, and who is to say that's not worth $20?
Except you either have that amazing experience or nothing. This is where MLG fucked up. No ads on most streams, the opportunity to run 5 HD streams - sure, some people will pay $20 for that. Will I? I can't even watch one stream in HD for 3 days without consuming almost my entire monthly internet usage.
The real question is, why don't I have options? Where did this one-size-fits-all pricing model come from? Shit, if I could pay $10 for the main stream and 2 of the extras, just to be drowned in ads, I probably would. It'd be worth it. If I could pay $15 and skip the ads, then maybe I would. And hey, if I wanted to get a bunch of friends around and introduce them to starcraft, then maybe I'd buy a $20 pass, set things up and watch the entire thing on TV, like I'd do with any expensive PPV event.
But we don't have that choice. Instead we are left with two options - say "fuck PPV" and skip the event (watching another solid production instead), or pay up and try to get our moneys worth.
I'm imagining a different announcement. An announcement that would actually herald the new era of SC2 and PPV events - and I feel like it would offer something like this (all numbers bullshit)
MLG ANNOUNCES WINTER FIESTA We have four pricing options for this event, to make sure you're getting your moneys worth. Take your pick - we get your money regardless! 1) Just $7 get's you access to the main stream of the event (think MLG Red) which will feature MLG's brand-new production and your favourite casters. 2) $10 gets you that same stream, but with the option of HD, as well as your favourite K-Pop or on-the-spot interviews instead of millions of ads. 3) $15 gets you a LQ premium-pass which comes with four streams - the main stage and three other gameplay streams - as well as more ads than you can ever imagine! All streams will feature our next-level production (courtesy of piratebird) 4) For the grand price of $20 you can get the HQ Super-fucking premium pass, with 5 streams in HD, including the four game streams and the DOCTORS ULTIMATE FUCKING ACCESS STREAM with more interviews and behind the scenes content than you could ever watch in a single weekend! Highly recommended for all barcrafts and anyone who likes to watch starcraft with friends.
Maybe we'll see them sort this out eventually. Until then, I can dream I guess. Respond with your thoughts and such.
Edit: inserted more fucks.
I think what you should look at is GSL for their first year 20$ a season, now they have the options.
What viewers should be hopeful for is that MLGs model follows the same pattern of more options over time but for a first event and the first endeavor into PPV MLG probably just doesn't have the infrastructure for many options. It seems like they are using the basic infrastructure that we saw with NASL season 1, just they are denying all access not just to hd.
Presumably, if this is succesful, more options will follow over time. It makes sense to start things off as simply as possible so as to minimize the number of possible issues.
I don't see the uproar about the whole thing. maybe I'm just jaded from all the other dramas that reddit likes to create and then trys to get tl to take seriously. Kenigit liked the ppv model though.
there isn't going to be any ads. its a ppv I have no idea why anyone would think differently. There is so much ignorance and stupidity in the threads about how the esports world works (that esports is anyway profitable) it makes me sad. there are going to be tens of thousands of people buying the ppv pass and its going to be a great event. If people don't' want to spend the money then they shouldn't and just not complain or bitch about watching assembly in mlg's thread. I'm just a lot more surprised they didn't include lol in it.
creating anti hype is just negative to esports. you may even go as far as to say that it hurts it in some way. One event is going to make money and one event is going to lose money.
people use adblock and then they wonder why events can't earn enough money to continue running for free. Just a wonderful world of esports.
On February 15 2012 09:33 sermokala wrote: I don't see the uproar about the whole thing. maybe I'm just jaded from all the other dramas that reddit likes to create and then trys to get tl to take seriously. Kenigit liked the ppv model though.
there isn't going to be any ads. its a ppv I have no idea why anyone would think differently. There is so much ignorance and stupidity in the threads about how the esports world works (that esports is anyway profitable) it makes me sad. there are going to be tens of thousands of people buying the ppv pass and its going to be a great event. If people don't' want to spend the money then they shouldn't and just not complain or bitch about watching assembly in mlg's thread. I'm just a lot more surprised they didn't include lol in it.
creating anti hype is just negative to esports. you may even go as far as to say that it hurts it in some way. One event is going to make money and one event is going to lose money.
people use adblock and then they wonder why events can't earn enough money to continue running for free. Just a wonderful world of esports. My argument doesn't really have anything to do with ads; I'm pretty pro-PPV. I just think it's silly to have this amazing event with all these features at a pretty high price with no other options; you can make it $10LQ & no extras/$15 LQ + extras/$20 as it is now and it seems a lot more reasonable.
I posted my opinions in the main MLG ppv thread, but I'll re-post them since I think they're relevant to what you wrote here.
I'm just dumbfounded that MLG insists on offering such a high level of production even when it's clear that they can't support it and that most of the gamer crowd (high school, college age guys) has less disposable income than guys who are paying for boxing.
It seems that they can't justify "versioning" their product anymore (like they did with free, silver, gold) because they know that a lot of people will just opt for the free stream given the choice. Enough people so that they won't cover their production costs even with the premium stream being $20. So then, why are they making a product that costs more than what most people are willing to pay? Either they think the publicity of having the most expensive tournament will boost their long-term profitability or their marketing research team has not done a good job (just look at the poll on page 1 if you don't believe me).
I also sense a lot of guilt being thrown around by MLG and other community members that we are somehow hurting esports by not paying for this. The establishment of a stable business model for esports does not depend on people giving up more money than they are willing and able to pay "for the greater good". If you think that spending $20 on the stream is worthwhile (considering the alternatives as well), then get it, but don't try and guilt others into doing it by implying that esports may not exist otherwise. I don't know about you, but I'd tune in for free even if it was an online, low quality stream with 2 casters. $20? Sorry, I'll watch Assembly instead.
On February 15 2012 08:54 Jehct wrote: Except you either have that amazing experience or nothing. This is where MLG fucked up. No ads on most streams, the opportunity to run 5 HD streams - sure, some people will pay $20 for that. Will I? I can't even watch one stream in HD for 3 days without consuming almost my entire monthly internet usage.
Exactly. As you said, having 5 streams available is pretty darn cool. And in itself, this might be worth 20 bucks.
But who's gonna use five streams at the same time? I love my usual MLG double streams so I can watch the game I want and, during a break on one stream, I still have another game to watch. Potentially, there's always at least one game to watch which is awesome. But the value of having 5 streams is not 5 times the value of one stream. If I could just have one stream where I can constantly watch the most important game plus the subsequent interviews and backstage stuff during breaks, I'd be totally happy.
Give me one main stream without enormous breaks for 4 or 5 bucks and I'm a satisfied viewer. I don't need 5 streams and I don't want to pay for those that I can't possibly be watching. And I don't think I'm alone there.