"You scared me, Fionn, what are you doing here so late?"
"I... I'm sorry Seeker. But I had to see you. That dream... It came back... I can't sleep."
"Again? I thought you stopped dreaming of... that... after Dr. Con gave you those pills."
"Well, apparently he's not as good as you say he is... But that doesn't matter anymore. He spoke to me. And I'm leaving town tomorrow."
"Wait, what? What about your job? What about your friends, family? What about... ME?"
"I'm sorry dear, but this... He was very clear, this is something I must do. This is my destiny."
And with that, he was gone. Seeker broke down in tears as the front door slammed shut.
-The next day.-
"So you've come at last. Those dreams were starting to tire me." The seemingly old man spoke whithout turning back from his meditation.
"I wasn't sure if it was my illusion or something more. I'm sorry I took so long."
"Ah. I was the same way. It is not exactly the most orthodox method of communication but it is usually the most convincing." He stood up and regarded Fionn with a steely gaze.
"Well, then, welcome to your new home. Welcome to your... DESTINY."
-2 Years Later-
As Master and Student chewed their light but nourishing breakfast, the brooding Master broke what had been a strangely uneasy silence.
"Fionn, I have taught you everything I know."
"It has been a most enlightening time."
"As I've hoped. But with our art, there is only so much one can learn, and yet more to master. You are not yet a Carrier. There are many trials to go yet." He put down his chopsticks.
"I understand, Master." Fionn looked at the Master Kim intently. He's not normally this talkative at the table. He thought.
"But I'm afraid I can no longer watch over you as I have. Some disturbing revelations have surfaced in the past few days and I can no longer stand aside as these events transpire. I must return to Aiur. I know not when I shall return, but take this time to go and fulfill your destiny. En Taro MBCGame."
And before Fionn could say a word, his master vanished into the thin air, leaving behind a silence so enduring only broken by tears falling onto his bulgogi.
-Soon(TM), New York-
"So you've finally come. We've been expecting you." Said the pretty and rather familiar looking Korean receptionist as Fionn walked into TowerLiquid.
"Yes. I'm supposed to meet with a Mr... Hot_Bid?" He extracted the card after much fumbling in his briefcase.
"Mr. Bid will meet you in his office. It's on the 13th floor." With that, she turned back to her monitor, smiling as cutely as ever.
Composing himself in the elevator, Fionn prepared himself. Mr. Bid is notoriously difficult to work for, but the compensation and prestige of the job were unrivalled.
What's more, it gave him access.
But he was snapped out of his trance as he walked into the meeting room.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH? I didn't send him there to play f**king League of Legends!? Does he not understand WHAT IS AT F**KING STAKE?" Hot_Bid blasted into his phone, back turned towards the door. "No, YOU LISTEN. Tell him to get Code S within 3 months or we are terminating him. No. Shut up. This is all. I have another call. No I won't put you on hold. Yes? Oh send him up. Oh he's already here? Oh good."
"How do you do, Mr. Fionn, it's good to finally meet you. I trust you had a pleasant flight? Sorry about the, uh, welcome, there's a bit of a mess in our overseas operations."
"It's no problem, sir. Thank you."
"Well, let's dispense with the bulls**t. You are the most qualified candidate and there's not much that we don't know about you from our previous communications. Can you start next Monday?"
"It would be an honour, sir." Fionn reached for Hot_Bid's outstreched hand. Finally, he thought.
-The next day.-
As he sat down at his new desk, he could feel the power coursing through his veins, dominating his being and whispering to him through the very fabric of space and time. I shall become a Carrier, too. He mused as he sipped his coffee. I shall become the greatest Carrier of the line.
As he casually perused the latest lineups to Code S, he wondered who will be the first to experience his new found abilities and powers.
Hmmph... NesTea? But he's old and already won too much, people will just say it's a slump. Hardly a tour de force. Mvp? Probably a good target, but having him be good makes predicting so easy.
Fionn's eyes lit up when his eyes found Polt.
Ahh. Perfect. Potent. Underrated. Loved by many and hated by many. And a TvP to envy. His demise shall be my rise.
On September 02 2011 12:30 Fionn wrote:
He won the biggest SC2 tournament in history. He is third in Korean ELO.
He arguably has the best timings in the world. He has never fallen to
Code A. He is in another GSL semifinal after having to play his worst MU
the whole way. He and Bomber have the best TvP in the world.
What does he have to do to be an all star? Beat John at YuGiOh?
He won the biggest SC2 tournament in history. He is third in Korean ELO.
He arguably has the best timings in the world. He has never fallen to
Code A. He is in another GSL semifinal after having to play his worst MU
the whole way. He and Bomber have the best TvP in the world.
What does he have to do to be an all star? Beat John at YuGiOh?
On October 10 2011 14:18 Fionn wrote:
Pumped for Polt going to his first foreign event. Hopefully he can do
well, get into the pools and do well. Wouldn't be surprised if he wins
the whole thing if he's on his A-game.
Pumped for Polt going to his first foreign event. Hopefully he can do
well, get into the pools and do well. Wouldn't be surprised if he wins
the whole thing if he's on his A-game.
On October 17 2011 16:49 Fionn wrote:
Polt's Ro16 WCG Group is: Gumiho, TheBest and Supernova. Somewhat tough
group, but Polt probably should top it or at least get second.
Polt's Ro16 WCG Group is: Gumiho, TheBest and Supernova. Somewhat tough
group, but Polt probably should top it or at least get second.
All in a day's work.
"Boxer Hyung, would you have a look at this?" Cella rushed into the room where Boxer was preparing his apprentice for his big game.
"Shhh. Not so loud. MMA must medidate. Let us talk outside."
"It's... It's Fionn, the rumoured SC2 Carrier. He has put MMA as the number 1. Do you think he will now go the way of Polt and Mvp? His abilities are powerful. I have a bad feeling about this."
"My... I've expected this day. This is unwelcome news indeed. I feel his influence in all the games I've played and lost, and a sinister force clouded my judgment yesterday. Do you think it is him?"
"Yes. It must be. I haven't felt anything so dark and mysterious since my last OSL."
"Well then, Cella Hyung, it's time. Find her."
"Oh, she's waiting outside."
"EVE?" The Emperor, visibly troubled, called out.
"I am here, Master." Silently, gracefully, purposefully, SlayerS_Eve entered the room.
"It is time. Stop Fionn Carrier. Use your talents and skills and bring sanity back to ESPORTS."
Eve bit her lips. It would be difficult without her love, travelling to a faraway land to complete her mission. But for the SlayerS family and for MMA, she will do what it takes. She bowed to Boxer and Cella and disappeared into the darkness outside.
"I pray Jessica chose her wisely." Cella whispered.
"Have faith. Eve is Jessica's oov. Have faith."
-New York-
Click. Fionn unlocked the door to his dingy apartment and walked in.
Except something was different. Amongst the piles of empty pizza boxes, ramen bowls and Pocari Sweat bottles an unfamiliar scent alarmed him.
"Anyone there?" He asked tentatively, reaching for his weapon in his wardrobe, but his hands were caught by a shadow that came spinning out of the wardrobe with martial arts precision and speed, a sweet perfume overwhelming his nostrils as a hand clasped his mouth shut.
"Listen." She whispered into his ear. "I won't let you crush any more dreams. Don't try anything stupid and this will be over quickly. Otherwise..."
Suddenly, Eve was taken aback by a flash as her grasp became empty.
"You underestimate an agent of Aiur at your own peril, girl." Fionn's voice became echoey and sinister. Eve shuddered, a Terran reflex as if a Psionic Storm is near. "Give up now and I won't curse you in the GSTL either."
"NO! You can't! I'll kill you before I let that happen!" Eve's eyes burned with a fire as she raised her blade towards Fionn, only to plunge into emptiness.
"Behind you." Fionn taunted as he activated his own Psy Blade and held Eve at khifepoint. "You made a big mistake coming after me. We are more powerful than you imagine is capable."
CRASH. The apartment's door flung open and a startled Fionn turned around to see what had happened, still keeping his blade on Eve's neck.
"You've done enough to harm ESPORTS, Carrier, put the blade down and let her go. There is a special place in Warcraft 3 ESPORTS reserved for those like you."
"Dra... Drazerk?" Eve whimpered with the blade almost drawing blood. The suave and famous British agent was a welcome sight.
"Hah. Just because you are British and wear a suit, do you think you are James Bond?" Fionn cackled.
"No. He is much too old." With that, he extracted an amulet from his pocket and reached for his Walther PPK with his other hand. "Recognise this?"
Fionn's face filled with dread as he regarded the shining amulet. "The Khaydarin Amulet? But how... I thought Dayvie Jones had it put away for good? But..." He felt his powers wane and heard his Psy Blade whirring down as beams of light shone from the amulet onto him.
He fell to his knees on the dirty floor. "I have failed you, master. Forgive me."
Seeing her opportunity for vengeance, Eve thrust her dagger at the fallen warrior from Aiur.
BANG! Suddenly a gunshot echoed through the room. As the dust settled, Eve clutched her half-severed blade, staring incredulously at Drazerk and his gun.
"Eve, I know how you must feel. What happened to MMA was his doing and it was tragic. But nothing can bring him back to Code S now. Carrier's power was too much. But he's more useful to us alive now. Trust me, but he will not trouble ESPORTS again." Drazerk explained.
Visibly anguished. Eve rose without a word. Tears washed down her cheeks as snow started to fall outside. Like the memories and dreams of MMA and Mvp and Polt before him, Fionn Carrier's curse had washed them away as ruthlessly as the sunlight washes away the snow. Eve thought bitterly as she walked out onto the street.
+ Show Spoiler +
Sorry Fionn. <3