I'm driving home on a rainy evening, recounting the days events listening to a local radio station. I think to myself that once I get home it would be a great time to check out if any streams were on. Incontrol perhaps? He seems to give some good commentary. Maybe Destiny? Oh man he sure has his antics. Oh! ForGG? I'm sure I'll see some great games.
I'm not driving too fast, but suddenly, my heart skips a beat. Oh shit, oh shit. Okay calm down, are you going the speed limit? I check the odometer and assure myself speeding wasn't an issue. Fuck, fuck! Bright lights in my eyes. C'mon, please don't follow me, please.
In the distance, something begins to follow. As I continue on my way, heart thumping, body shaking, I turn at an intersection, taking a breath of almost relief.
You have to be kidding me...this can't happen now, not now. I turn into a neighborhood, hoping this will surely ease my tension.
Phew, that was close. I make a few more turns, slow down, and finally come to rest in front of my home. I turn off my car, open the door, and walk inside. As I settle in, I think about what a strange world it's become, that just the sight of a police car can cause so much anxiety. That in one moment, something so silly can cause so many problems. Is this what it's come to?
I remembered I'd left something in my car. I walked out into the cold air, opened the door to my car, as well as my glove compartment, and took the marijuana I had just bought into my house so I could enjoy the rest of my night before going to bed. Maybe even watch a Starcraft stream or two.
1. Do something illegal 2. See police officer 3. Feel anxious
Nothing strange about that honestly.
On January 17 2012 14:37 Bigtony wrote: 1. Do something illegal 2. See police officer 3. Feel anxious
Nothing strange about that honestly.
Going to have to go with this, honestly. Though I do think police tend to invoke a sense of wrongdoing even on those who are in the right, if you actually are doing something illegal, you'll certainly be anxious.
Where dat snitch at?36907 Posts
Well..... if you have marijuana in your car then.... yes..... seeing a cop car WILL cause you anxiety....
Is this post implying that marijuana should be legalized? I'm a bit confused about what the message is.
Well I think the point is, why is it that people who aren't hurting anybody forced to live in fear of the people who are supposed to protect them. Sure it's illegal but the law isn't always right, what if fast food was illegal?People that are otherwise non violent and non criminal have to live in fear because they have a cheeseburger in their car? if cheeseburgers were illegal their fear makes sense but the law would be retarded.
Even though the issue is one that imo revolves around personal freedom from a public health standpoint heart disease and fast food is a bigger cause of death than pot anyways. Or you could also take issue with the fact that a black market always arises so its futile in that regard too.... Or with the issue that it's a double standard that makes no sense since alcohol and tobacco are legal.... etc.
Checking your odometer is an odd way of determining your speed
If it bothers you so much, you should invest in an airtight vessel imo to store your pot. Even an old person in a crown vic following to close can cause you to shit your pants, because at first glance the headlights are similar to a cop.
On January 17 2012 14:37 Bigtony wrote: 1. Do something illegal 2. See police officer 3. Feel anxious
4. post it on the internet
On January 17 2012 14:54 Seeker wrote: Well..... if you have marijuana in your car then.... yes..... seeing a cop car WILL cause you anxiety....
Yup this lol. I used to get up tight when I saw a cop car but no I didn't freak out or anything... I also don't carry any illegal drugs or anything in my car either :p
lol well yeah... that would do it.
On January 17 2012 14:37 Bigtony wrote: 1. Do something illegal 2. See police officer 3. Feel anxious
Nothing strange about that honestly.
Preeetty much this... -_-
At first I was like "Yeah, cops in America are mean bastards cliché". Then I read the last paragraph.
I think the original poster meant: "I'm not harming anyone or anything, yet still I have to fear the police". And yes, that's what the us world has come to.
As long as more dangerous drugs are legal buying marihuana is not wrong. If cops had morals they wouldn't raise the issue.
Now if you were speeding or DUI then...shame on you.
btw, odometer measures how far you've travelled, not how fast youre going
I found that this was an interesting blog until you said you had weed in your car. Can you please erase the last paragraph so I can give you a 5/5? D:
I got the feeling you forget you had weed in your car until you get home. Mybe I misunderstood oo
Its not the police officers fault that they are forced by legislature to enforce laws that seem silly to the rest of us. If it wasn't for the mass stigmatization of marijuana that occurred (note Reefer Madness here) -- than this would not be an issue. I guarantee you that many officers find it stupid that they must enforce laws (aside from DUI which is applicable to drugs as well as alcohol - alcohol is a drug folks - and reasonably so as you endanger others at that point) on possession of marijuana. Blame the legislature, blame the police department that does not do selective enforcement on that particular law -- but never blame the individual officer. To ease your tensions, just remember that police officers are normal regular human beings too (and many of them are pretty nice). The reason officers instill fear often is because the regular public's contact with officers is typically at traffic stops (the single most dangerous act a patrol officer will ever do) and the officer is probably nervous too because he/she does not know what they are coming into (a possible violent, drug, repeat offender who committed grand theft auto and the car has not been reported stolen yet for example). They have good reason to make you a little nervous, because you make them nervous.
TLDR: I find your post humorous, but you need to relax and that joint is not the answer
This is bad but it's really not the worse evolution of national security.
In France, the tension due to the country not accepting its colonialist past (much like the US took a long time to consider Afro-Americans as US citizens even though they've been there for generations) and the general orders given to officers cause a permanent conflict between the population and the police. In a recent study, you could see that in the poorest areas, the vast majority of the population deemed their action as "useless", and that in France as a whole, nearly a third of the population thought so.
I remember going to work in a very shitty train line, with a very tense atmosphere caused by the emptiness of such a big-ass two-floor wagon, and the fact that there were always some shady guys just... "hanging out". But the worse moment of them all (aside from me getting actually mugged once) was when the police was "hanging out". They were litteraly shouting at random people and kicking the doors and walls with their boots, apparently intimidating some guy who was staring at his shoes in fear. When I heard the noise I thought it was a poor guy getting mugged and lynched but no... it was the police themselves. This is what happens when the police corps is designed to intimidate and repress, with no proximity to the average citizen: everyone is afraid of them.
To fight this, make sure you're nice to any cop you encounter, and vote for any representative that thinks that police should be close to the people, and not just a grim reaper that comes wether you deserve it or not. Police and citizens should walk hand in hand, any other relationship ends up in conflict.