So I have recently decided to actually try this game for real. I mean I played for fun and would get the occasional nerd rage when I played, but now something is really boiling my blood to play.
I recently got inspired by all the guys on state of the game along with some MLG play and GSL play. I really want to take Starcraft seriously and don't get me wrong this isn't one of those blog posts where I'm just saying ''HEY I WANT TO BE THE BEST STARCRAFT 2 PLAYER AND WIN MONEY AND BE KNOWN BY EVERYONE AND BE AWESOME.'' I want to play it because I actually just love this game and it took me so long to actually realize this that I will actually put my self in a position to achieve greatness.
So today I played 4 of my 5 placement matches. I was at one point in masters but now I can barely beat fucking bronze I actually lost to a couple, no disrespect but my mind is just so numb when playing right now I cant even think straight. Almost like you know what you are supposed to do but you cant accomplish this goal because you are just trying to do so much at once.
I have excepted the fact that I'm going to probably make it to a bronze league. I don't see this as a bad thing though. I have been so behind in the times that my play is probably old and outdated. Playing protoss and starting out heavy sentry with a couple zealots doesn't seem to be working for me right now. I must be executing something wrong some where which is why I'm probably going to start watching my replays after every game even the games I won to try and clarify what I need to get better at. All that normal type of stuff.
So I have decided to start just Blogging about my progression as a player all the way from the bottom. I'm sure many people have done this or are doing this now but I'm doing it merely for myself and others who would maybe like to see the type of hardships some players will go through to achieve something in this mess of a game.
I also want feed back from people with their thoughts and what not. When I really have a hard time with something I'm most likely going submit replays so I would love advice from anyone it doesn't matter who you are or what league you are in currently.
I'm also going to try my own things which is why I wanted to start from the bottom. Im going to develop my own style of protoss play.
Thanks to anyone who reads this. I'm going to step up my game and try my best. IGN: r4ptur3d Race: Protoss Server: NA
masters to bronze is pretty impressive
On January 17 2012 07:57 Froob wrote: masters to bronze is pretty impressive
I totally agree haha. I lost to the worst stuff ever. probably in a week or so I can get back up there depending on how much the skill is spread out by this time.
Masters to Bronze?! But... How?
On January 17 2012 08:26 TheDougler wrote: Masters to Bronze?! But... How?
Haven't played since June, that is probably why :p
I can't see how a proper Master could have dropped down to bronze =_=. You must have just barely slipped into the league somehow and not really play any games in order for your MMR to adjust.
Nothing to be proud of either obviously. jesus christ I'm glad you've dropped down and opened a slot for a more deserving player, thank you. A lot of people don't take progression blogs very seriously so I highly recommend you take your time in organizing what you're going to say, and make easily digestible for our readers. I think that ladder blogs are fine as long as you put in a ton of effort into making it presentable and worth our time to read, otherwise open up a blog off TL and blog forever alone to yourself (which isn't a bad idea if you're doing this purely to improve).
did you suffer any intense head trauma since you last stopped?
from being in masters to losing to bronze players in 6 months is an impressively fast loss of skill, lol. unless you meant masters in team games or something
On January 17 2012 08:55 Snuggles wrote: I can't see how a proper Master could have dropped down to bronze =_=. You must have just barely slipped into the league somehow and not really play any games in order for your MMR to adjust.
Nothing to be proud of either obviously. jesus christ I'm glad you've dropped down and opened a slot for a more deserving player, thank you. A lot of people don't take progression blogs very seriously so I highly recommend you take your time in organizing what you're going to say, and make easily digestible for our readers. I think that ladder blogs are fine as long as you put in a ton of effort into making it presentable and worth our time to read, otherwise open up a blog off TL and blog forever alone to yourself (which isn't a bad idea if you're doing this purely to improve).
I'm going to be taking it pretty seriously. I'm not going to be doing it from only a Ladder point of view I'm actually going to start playing in tournaments that happen down here and try some online ones once I feel good about my play and can actually play.
As for the drop in skill, I just have to wake up. I'm sure by the end of the week ill be back up there. I'm going to try my best, if people are going to disprove of this blog I guess they will. People don't have to read this stuff right.
did you suffer any intense head trauma since you last stopped?
from being in masters to losing to bronze players in 6 months is an impressively fast loss of skill, lol. unless you meant masters in team games or something
I hope I didnt, I have just been unable to play starcraft or even watch it due to work and school.
masters to bronze is literally impossible
On January 17 2012 09:46 floor exercise wrote: masters to bronze is literally impossible ROFL
But yeah, I agree, it does stream strange that you are having difficulties with bronze now. Even though the player base improves constantly, I'd say S1/S2 Master is easily Diamond nowadays. Unless you're being constantly, and unluckily, matched up vs the portrait farmers that are masters but tank to bronze for the achievements I don't see how such a skill discrepancy could be possible...
Wow, people are harsh!!!
Remember guys, the game has changed dramatically and there are many more people playing now then during the beta. Plus having not played in almost a year it is not surprising you play like shit. Anyway, good luck mate!
your Country52797 Posts
Meh, don't worry too much. It's just a matter of practice and build. Btw your macro must have declined a lot to slip to bronze..
On January 17 2012 11:01 TehTemplar wrote: Meh, don't worry too much. It's just a matter of practice and build. Btw your macro must have declined a lot to slip to bronze..
Like i said before, I go kind of numb and cant really think of what to do. I overload myself, Maybe I'm just trying to be to clever or something.