Unfortunately I didn't watch game 1 between Leenock & fOrGG due to school, so I couldn't write a recap of it.
Game #1: + Show Spoiler +
Game #2: + Show Spoiler + FXOLeenock [Z] vs oGs_Fin aka fOrGG [T] Game 2 Map: Dual Sight Standings: 1-0
Leenock won the first game, a very awesome game, or at least the little part of it I was able to watch, since I just came back from school. Leenock opened up with an early Hatchery, whereas Fin (fOrGG from now on) went for double Hellions followed up by an expansion. However, Leenock managed to scout the Command Center out before it finished, and knew what was going on.
fOrGG then transitioned into Siege Tank/Marine production, getting Combat Shield & Stim. Leenock decided to combat this by getting +1 Carapace which finished as he started getting his third expansion & Spire. Leenock then managed to catch fOrGG off-guard, killing off quite a bit of it with his Zerglings, and catching the reinforcements with some other Lings.
fOrGG started building his third CC as Leenock moved out with his Mutas, managing to kill off 2 Tanks. Leenock continued to push & kill off some SCV's here & there with his Mutas as he started morphing his Baneling Nest. The upgrades were heavily favoring Leenock, with fOrGG just starting his +1(or +2) Weapons upgrade.
Leenock then flanked fOrGG's army, just decimating him, forcing the GG, and looking so strong after these series!
Game #3: + Show Spoiler +
I'll continue to post as the games as they continue!
send a link to this to Seeker! No one is LR'ing in the thread, and I'm sure someone will appreciate it.
MC vs SuperNoVa:
Game #1: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] oGs_SuperNova [T] Game 1 Map: Crossfire Standings: 0-0
After looking at this group, I realize that this group is a total oGs teamkill, considering 3 of the 4 players come from that team. MC looked very strong after winning the Homestory Cup but he might still be affected by jet lag, so let's see how this goes!
Both players seemed to start off pretty standard, with SuperNova building a semi-hidden Factory in the back of his main, transitioning into a 1-1-1, probably going for Banshees. MC went for a 1-gate expand, and needed a Robotics Facility badly, which finished up a little after the Nexus did. SuperNova went in with his Hellions in the main of MC as MC botched a ForceField at his ramp, eventually killing as much as 12 Probes.
SuperNova, now having gotten a tech lab for his Factory and getting Tanks along with Siege Mode, moving out at the 10-minute mark. After wasting two Forcefield at the middle of the map, MC just didn't have enough units to stop SuperNova as he started camping outside of the Protoss natural Expansion, and MC had no other choice but to call the GG.
Game #2: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs oGs_SuperNova [T] Game 2 Map: Daybreak Standings: 0-1
MC went for a Nexus before Gateway, and SuperNova opened up with a 1 Barracks into Expansion, getting both of his gas Geysers at his main, perhaps tech'ing up to Banshee once again. MC then built 3 more Gateways, putting him up at a total of 4, and getting his Robotics Facility almost immediately after.
Meanwhile, SuperNova started his Banshee as well as researching Cloak & building an Armory, hinting at heavy Mech play incoming. the Banshee came straight to the Expansion of MC, killing off a good bit of Probes, and getting out just in time. MC started getting Blink, and managed to catch a Banshee coming into his main, forcing it to pull back. as Blink finished, MC managed to pick a Banshee off as well as starting to upgrade Zealot leg speed/Charge. SuperNova just barely managed to get away with his Raven in time thanks to a Point-Defense Drone.
The two players clashed in the middle not soon after, with MC completely dominating the battle even though the Cloaked Banshees took out a lot of his army, and pushed for the Natural of SuperNova after destroying the Terran army, forcing him to surrender.
Game #3: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs oGs_SuperNova [T] Game 3 Map: Antiga Shipyard Standings: 1-1
MC started with a 1 Gateway into Expansion, as SuperNova went for a Factory and taking his second Gas, going for an early Banshee once again, and building a Bunker at his natural expansion, making MC believe that SuperNova was going for an early expansion as well.
However, SuperNova started Cloaks as soon as the Starport finished up, and things were looking very grim for MC, who had gone for a 4-Gate without a Robotics Facility. The Banshee cloaked itself as soon as a Stalker started firing at it, and just kept shelling away at the Probes in MC's main.
MC attempted to bust the Natural of SuperNova in response, but thanks to SCV's repairing the Bunker, He couldn't do enough damage, and MC went on to lose the game & the series shortly thereafter.
On January 10 2012 19:43 jjhchsc2 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +MC vs SN was so bad ..... + Show Spoiler + SN tricked MC pretty awesomely with that Bunker in Game 3 though
SuperNoVa vs Leenock
Game 1: + Show Spoiler + oGs_SuperNova [T] vs FXOLeenock[Z] Game 1 Map: Bel'Shir Beach (winter) Standings: 0-0
SuperNova sort-of hid his Barracks at the edge of his base, but Leenock scouted it out with his very early Drone scout, placing down his Hatchery at the natural expansion shortly after. When the Barracks was finished, SuperNova started pushing towards the Natural of Leenock, building a Bunker, and killing off 3 drones with just 2 Marines & a SCV as well as forcing Leenock to build more Drones.
SuperNova then continued into some Double Hellion Pressure, but that wasn't effective at all thanks to some nice Queen placement by Leenock. Both players then played quite passively while setting themselves up for the mid-game, with the Terram getting himself double Medivacs to accompany his Marines, as well as getting himself a Engineering Bay for some Upgrades, as Leenock got himself his +1 Carapace for his ground units.
When SuperNova attempted to do a drop in the main of Leenock, he immediately got pushed back by the Zerg forces, but he managed to kill off the Hatchery at Leenock's third expansion, sniping some Overlords & Creep Tumors. As Leenock started getting his Mutalisks out, he nearly sniped a Medivac, killing off a Siege Tank as SuperNova started attacking his third base once again.
Leenock engaged, but didn't manage to kill off all of the Terran Army, and once again lost his third Hatchery. He almost managed to catch SuperNova's army with some burrowed Banelings, but it didn't work out. Leenock's Mutalisks & Zerglings didn't manage to do some effective Harass either, and the two players engaged at the nothern bridge, where Leenock managed to catch the Siege Tanks of SuperNova off-guard, and pushed his enemy back to his third, killing off quite a few SCV's in the process with the help of his Banelings.
Leenock then flew around with his Mutalisks, sniping some Marines & Medivacs, and killed off a drop which took out his would-be fifth expansion. He also broke down the Bunker at the ramp of SuperNova with the help of his Zerglings, killing off a lot of Marines & SCV's as well as one Thor.
As SuperNova started pushing towards the bases of Leenock, the Zerg swarm once again paid the Terran natural expansion a visit with overwhelming forces, destroying all the Orbital Commands and then pulled his forces back, decimating the rest of the Terran army & went on to win the game.
Game 2: + Show Spoiler + oGs_SuperNova [T] vs FXOLeenock[Z] Game 2 Map: Antiga Shipyard Standings: 0-1
SuperNova started by building his Barracks outside of his base, with Leenock just barely missing it, and instead waited to see the Orbital Command, making Leenock build a Spawning Pool and cancel some Drones in fear of some proxy Barracks pressure.
After killing off the Overlord at his Main, SuperNova went on to build a lot of bunkers at the Natural of Leenock, but Leenock managed to hold this off with the help of Transfusions from his Queens. He then continued to drone up, but SuperNova started building double Hellions from his Factory as well as getting himself a Starport.
The Hellions started camping outside of the Zerg base, negating creep spread as well as getting himself another expansion. Leenock went for double Evolution Chamber and a fast +1 Melee Weapons & +1 ground Armor. SuperNova then made a double drop at Leenock's main, killing off a TON of units even though he lost the drop, and expanding a third time after this, getting his expansion down before Leenock. SuperNova the pushed out with a force of Tanks & Marines to take the Xel'Naga watchtower. He then moved down to the third of Leenock, breaking down the Destructible Rocks, but moved back as the Zerg army arrived.
The next action SuperNova took was attempting a drop in the main of Leenock, but pulled back when he saw the Spine Crawler. Leenock then started getting Ultralisks, but SuperNova placed his Marines in a place where Leenock couldn't reach him as well as attacking the third base of Leenock, eventually killing it off. The Ultralisks & Zerglings then engage the Tanks & Marines, which resulted in the Zerg having to pull back.
SuperNova did some multi-pronged drop harass, but didn't really manage to do too much damage. Leenock then finally got his fourth base up, but SuperNova managed to intercept the Drones transferring over there. Leenock managed to catch the Terran army with their Tanks in Siege Mode, which completely vanished and the Zerg swarm continued to push for the Terran Base, but Leenock was forced to pull back due to too many Tanks & Planetary Fortresses.
Both players then took the bases at the middle as SuperNova did a drop in the main of Leenock, but Leenock decided to attack the Siege Line of Supernova, but his Ultras just barely didn't make it and SuperNova managed to kill off the Hive at Leenock's main.
With almost double the supply of Leenock, SuperNova went on to take game 2, and a game 3 will soon be played!
Game 3: + Show Spoiler + oGs_SuperNova [T] vs FXOLeenock[Z] Game 3 Map: Daybreak Standings: 1-1
SuperNova expanded very early, getting himself a Command Center at 17 food, and Leenock opened up with what's standard on this map, getting an early Hatchery himself. A Factory was then placed down as well as a Reactor in the Barracks, so some early Hellion pressure was to expect. SuperNova also got himself a Starport with a Tech Lab, going for Cloaked Banshees as well.
A Banshee managed to get 6 Drone kills, and also made it out of the Zerg base alive. However, Leenock forced the cancel of the third Command Center. As the Mutalisks came out, they chased down some Hellions & the Banshee. They later went on to delay the third of SuperNova even more as he almost killed off the third Hatchery with the help of Hellions & a Banshee, but it was chased away thanks to an Overlord.
SuperNova then pushed out with a force of 3 Hellions to the third Hachery, killing off a few Drones. The two players the met in the middle, where the Marines had a great concave, and Leenock was forced to pull back. A Banshee didn't really manage to do any damage in the Zerg Main as the Mutalisk Ball forced the cancel of a fourth Command Center as well as killing off some Siege Tanks, moving on to the Terran main, killing off a ton of Missile Turrets, and SuperNova finally started getting himself some Thors after this.
Leenock then ran past the army of SuperNova into his natural, killing off a lot of SCV's, but losing a lot of his Mutalisks in return. However, as Leenock attacked the fourth of SuperNova with Banelings, killing it off, SuperNova started to attack the third & fourth of Leenock, killing both of them off. SuperNova killed nearly all of the Mutalisks and a drop killed of the rest of them.
Leenock, being out of Minerals, was forced to long-distance mine, as SuperNova did a drop in the Zerg main, killing off the Hive, as a Marine got 6 kills at the third, since Leenock had no effective way of killing it off. Supernova did another drop in the main, destroying the hatchery there. SuperNova then directly attacked the third, nearly killing it off.
As the rest of the Zerg army faltered & all the Brood Lords got killed by the Terran army, Leenock, out of resources & out of options, had no other choice but to call the GG.
Fin (fOrGG) vs MC
Game 1: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs oGs_Fin aka fOrGG [T] Game 1 Map: Bel'Shir Beach (winter) Standings: 0-0
fOrGG went for a 1 Barracks into expand, and MC opened with 1 Gateway into expansion as MC managed to kill off a SCV with his scouting probe. He also managed to kill of the scouting SCV with a Zealot. When MC saw the Bunker on the ramp at the natural of fOrGG, he placed down his expansion as well as 2 Gateways and a Robotics Facility.
However, he didn't know that fOrGG had built another Command Center in his main as well as 3 more Barracks and a late Factory & Engineering Bay. MC decided to tech up & get himself a Twilight Council, eventually getting Blink for his Stalkers & more Gateways as well as expanding a third time.
fOrGG then took his third, salvaging the Bunkers at the ramp of his natural, as well as getting a lot of Tech Labs, a Ghost Academy and it seemed like fOrGG would go very bio-heavy this game. MC, upon seeing this, started getting some Colossi. MC scouted a drop into his main, and took out 2 Medivacs & everything inside them. However, another push by fOrGG into the third of MC decimated the entire army of MC, killing the third off as well as the Protoss army with the help of some nice EMP's on MC's Immortals.
fOrGG then pulled back to his third and just kept building up his army as well as getting himself a fourth base before pushing towards the third of MC once again. The Protoss army got decimated here, and MC told his teammate 'GG'
Game 2: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs oGs_Fin aka fOrGG [T] Game 2 Map: Daybreak Standings: 0-1
MC started the game with scouting for proxy Barracks, which wasn't there since fOrGG went for a 1-Rax expand once again. MC went with the same build as last game, getting 1 Gateway & starting to research Warp Gate before starting to warp in his Nexus at 20 food.
fOrGG then proceeded to transition into a 3-gate with both gas in his main, and researching Concussive Shells. MC got himself a Twilight Council, and managed to catch fOrGG off-guard with the help of some great Force-Fields, starting to research Blink shortly thereafter.
MC then expanded a third time and getting Charge, as fOrGG killed off the third Nexus and killed off some Stalkers when MC caught two Medivacs off-guard. As a Ghost Academy started to get built by the Terran, MC began researching Psionic Storm. fOrGG sneaked past the army of MC,or so he thought. MC noticed it, and cleaned up everything thanks to some great flanking.
MC then moved up to the third of fOrGG, and although he was pushed back by the Terran army the first time, he managed to kill off the Planetary. after this, MC decided to switch into Colossi production after this. After a pretty one-sided engagement in the middle of the map, fOrGG was too far behind, and was forced to surrender.
Game 3: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs oGs_Fin aka fOrGG [T] Game 3 Map: MetroPolis Standings: 1-1
fOrGG opened up with some early Concussive Shells & a Reaper into an expansion as MC did a proxy Stargate producing Void Rays. fOrGG kept making marauders, and even though he managed to scout the Stargate out, it was too late, as the Void Rays were already out & MC managed to save the Stargate. This early pressure was too much for fOrGG, and he was forced to call the GG, becoming the first person to drop down to Code A.
Leenock vs MC
Game 1: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs FXOLeeenock [Z] Game 1 Map: Cloud Kingdom Standings: 0-0
MC opened up with a Forge fast-expand. But Leenock had other plans, blocking the Nexus of MC by building a Hatchery there instead as well as building Zerglings & a Queen, but the Probes of MC blocked off the ramp into his main, and Leenock's Queen got trapped at the ramp of MC and wasn't able to inject, and the Hatchery finally got killed off as well.
MC then proceeded to apply some Zealot pressure, killing off a lot of Zerglings. Leenock managed to kill off the army of MC with Zerglings in the middle. MC proceeded to build a proxy Pylon near the natural expansion of Leenock, eventually moving in with Sentries & Zealots. However, MC's army was just too strong, and Leenock lost the first game due to MC's awesome ability to think under pressure.
Game 2: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs FXOLeeenock [Z] Game 2 Map: Bel'Shir Beach (winter) Standings: 0-1
MC, once again, opened up with a Forge Fast-Expand, but Leenock once again wouldn't have any of this and started to morph a Drone into a Baneling Nest, attempting to bust it. Leenock managed to bust through the wall, killing off a ton of Probes, and MC, not able to recuperate, surrendered.
Very quick second game here, and now we will have the deciding 3rd game played!
Game 3: + Show Spoiler + oGs_MC [P] vs FXOLeeenock [Z] Game 3 Map: Daybreak Standings: 1-1
MC went for a Forge-Fast expand once again, as Leenock went for Pool before Hatch. MC also blocked off the Hatchery at the natural of Leenock, delaying it by quite a bit. A third Hatchery was then placed down as MC got himself a Zealot & Cybernetics Core, starting Warp Gate research as soon as it finished.
After an exchange between a Zealot & 4 Zerglings, where only 1 Zergling came out alive (the Zealot died), MC started to apply some pressure to Leenock's third, having scouted it out earlier, but the Stalker he sent there got surrounded by Zerglings and decimated.
MC transitioned into a 7 Gate, moving out and started to engage Leenock at his third, warping in quite a bunch of Sentries. The Sentries placed down a bunch of Forcefiels, which helped MC Kill off a lot of Roaches, Spines, Queens as well as the third base of Leenock.
Leenock started morphing 5 Spine Crawlers at his natural, but they finished morphing a little too late, and he had no choice but to surrender, and unfortunately, after placing 2nd in the last season of GSL, Leenock falls down to Code A.
Where dat snitch at?36907 Posts
Thanks a bunch for these Zvenn3n :D
On January 10 2012 22:17 Seeker wrote: Thanks a bunch for these Zvenn3n :D
You're very welcome =)
Unfortunately, I won't be able to do any more of these the coming days due to school and me helping a relative move this Saturday. MAYBE, only Maybe, will I be able to write recaps on Sunday, but that's far from certain. Still, as long as I have time and people enjoy these, I'll keep writing 'em .
Final standings (pic) + Show Spoiler +
I also TLPD-ized the players, I hope you enjoy it! =)
Fin disappointed against Leenock today. T_T
Thanks zvenn3n for the write ups, I passed out last night so i didn't get to watch -,- I hope you could do this again some time <3.
Nice write up, thank you!