Hello TL! Gotta say ive been quite happy about my ladder performance recently. ZvP has been my worst matchup ever since I worked my way out of gold league season 1, It literally seemed like Plat and up Protosses were significantly better then their lower league counterparts. I struggled and struggled, got to around 3k Points in Diamond season 1 facing masters, but COULD NOT beat a protoss. I probably quite literally would win 1 in 10 games vs a protoss. The infestor gets buffed, and its working really well, maybe Ill finally start improving my zvp. Then my computer fries. and No sc for me until season 4!

Now Ill be honest, ive definitely had some rage/qq posts here and in game. I was always quick to cry "imba" rather then actually study my play. Now I have numerous practice partners, I keep up on Day9 Dailies, and ANALYZE MY REPLAYS. Specifically the ones i lose. It definitely sucks to watch you get roflstomped because of silly mistakes (supply block just as you go to macro up those 12 roaches that would of held that pressure that ended up crushing you) but I have to say that the past 2 weeks I have seen more improvement in my play then ever before!
I remember thinking getting back into the game after such a long hiatus, lol ill be back in diamond no problem. Wrong. Everyone across the leagues have improved, and top plat now feels like top diamond season 1.
Within the past 3 weeks ive faced a great many diamond players. Literally the first 10 I faced all did allin cheese attacks, proxy rax, proxy starports, gates, factories you name It. I raged, qq'd, kept trying to win and kept losing, and losing, and losing. Finally, I bit the bullet and started watching all the replays where I get stomped. What I found was incredibly helpful:
I was able to discover when I would routinely miss overlords, at what point do I begin missing injects, why engages are good and bad, analyzing timings in my build compared to an opponents, most importantly I realized it wasnt ALWAYS my opponent "Out-Playing" me, but alot of the time it was me not playing to my full potential.
Now, im facing diamonds almost every other game, and im winning, even ZvP, which is by far my worst MU.
I can credit that 100% to having practice partners, and analyzing my replays. I fully believe there is almost no way to masters without analyzing your play, unless your absolutely incredible, and if your trying for masters, then you probably arent

Oh and the other thing that im noticing in 99% of my replays.
I needed to MACRO BETTER!
Long story short: As broken as ZvP matchup seemed to me, the few weeks of replay analyzing has drastically improved my skill, showing me the difference between "imba" and "I just suck". I GUARANTEE the best way to see better results as a player is to watch for your OWN mistakes and learn from them. If the word "imba" is in your vocabulary and your not considered one of the best in the world, then its YOU not the GAME.