At first I watched and thought, wow, Marines are OP. I should use them more, but then I read what you posted to what the drill was really all about. An instruction on building a strong and efficient economy. It's what I've always struggled with.
Now I'm trying to figure out how best to utilize those resources. In your drill, you build Rax after Rax after Rax, etc. In a normal game, we're doing more than just Rax. My question is this. As you're building your army (MM, Tanks, Vikings, etc) and you have a surplus of Mine/Gas, do you spend it on more Factories/Rax/Starports to pump out more troops faster, or do you worry more about upgrades and smaller surgical strikes to keep the pressure on your opponent?
There's so much to this game, that it's a lot to take in. I never played SC1 so I'm at a disadvantage amongst most. Oh btw...I only play Terran if that helps. Thank you again for all of your videos.
to which I responded:
SC2 is a giant priority list.. never focus on something further down the list until you have completed everything above it... ie: if you are supply blocking yourself, or missing scv queues, it doesn't matter how good your production/infrastructure is... if you are missing production cycles on your existing buildings, there's no sense in creating MORE buildings to spend your excess money... if you don't have good econ/production/infrastructure, all the micro/positioning in the world wont save you from crushing defeat. etc.
-2 pre-game unit composition)
Decide before the game starts what army composition you will go for if your opponent does startegy 1,2,3, or 4... dont be thinking about this during the game.
-1 pre-game infrastructure)
Identify what infrastructure you need to support various levels of income (1 mining base, 2 mining bases, 3 mining bases) and get only those buildings and no more, then focus on keeping your money low by not missing production cycles and not supply blocking yourself.
Game starts:
1)economy: always keep supply depots and scvs queued up at least 2 deep, keep an even # of scvs at each of your bases, keep spending your mule energy, keep making new command centers before the old ones get fully saturated
2)production: always keep your production facilities working, alternate between 2 guys queued, 1 guy queued, 2 guys queued, 1 guy queued... try not to ever drop to 0. this includes keeping your upgrades pumping if you've chosen to focus on upgrades.
3)infrastructure: Only when you are done with the other 2 and still have extra money, do you focus on bringing your infrastructure up to meet your pre-game plan.
4)army positioning: after you've caught up on everything else and have a free moment, check if your army is in proper position, with a good wide arc of attack. you always want your army to have good positioning before the battle starts, rather than starting a battle then worrying about it.
5)micro: This almost doesn't matter at all until masters league, and even then it's still at the bottom of the list... falling behind on economy or production because you were busy micro'ing will lose you a lot more games than just a-moving with good positioning and focusing on the more important things.