I'm thankful for getting my start in E-Sports this past year. I've had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people, travel, and see some really great places. I'm also thankful for my teammates that put their trust in me as their manager on a regular basis, that work hard to grow and mature as players and as people day in day out. I'm thankful for having a team owner that puts his trust in my decision making and is always there when he's needed. I'm thankful for all of my new friends that I've made through E-Sports, people like Doa that are there all the time; always able to talk and help with anything they can. I'm thankful for everyone that supports our players and teams, because without them we are nothing. I'm thankful for having a wife that not only puts up with E-Sports, but is becoming a fan. She made the leap of faith and attended the NASL Finals and even enjoyed it! I'm thankful for this amazing community that I've learned so much from since I've started. Both the positive and negative comments fuel me to continue to improve in every aspect of my job.
I'm thankful for some of the great memories that I've gotten from this year. Here's a few of them: The Twitch parties that were put on were always incredibly fun. Moments at Orlando when were teasing each other and Hwang slapped himself. That will be something I will never forget. Watching Gatored play DRG and Strelok on the stream with the crew that was in Olrando for MLG while he was at IEM NY was one of my most fun moments in E-Sports. The amount of emotional investment from all of his teammates in one room was just incredible! Watching WBC type \dance vs mkp on the side stage live at MLG and everyone going crazy when won tae took a game and tied the series up is something I could never forget. Three fourths the crowd had no idea what to think. Getting Korean food for the first time with my wife, HwangSin, GunRun, hero and puma at the NASL Grand Finals was a blast. Having Hwang tell me to try everything and ordering for me was hilarious, and yet another memorable moment.