This is part 1 an article I took from PlayXP, but its already more than a week old. I think I'm just gonna look up news sites or something from now on to find better texts for Kor --> Eng, these e-sports articles are actually pretty boring =/
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블리자드 엔터테인먼트의 국내 e스포츠 및 방송 파트너사인 곰TV는 11월 16일 소니 에릭슨 GSL Nov. 코드S 16강전을 마치고 11월 23, 24일 오후 6시 10분 8강을 진행한다고 밝혔다.
22일, 23일로 예정 되었던 8강 경기는 선수들의 해외 출전으로 인해 한시적으로 일정을 변경했다.
소니 에릭슨 GSL Nov.는 시작 전부터 새로운 포맷과 리그 방식의 변화로 화제를 불러 일으켰다. 대표적으로 코드S 시드를 24개에서 8개로 대폭 줄여 선수들이 스스로의 실력을 증명하게끔 만들고, 남은 16개의 코드S 자리는 코드A 선수들과의 경쟁을 통해 차지하게 하여 선수들은 매 경기 혼신의 힘을 다해 치열한 승부를 펼치며 최선의 기량을 선보이고 있다.
지난 15일과 16일에 진행 된 16강에서는 기존 선수들의 대활약과 동시에 이변이 펼쳐지며 e스포츠 팬들의 이목을 집중시켰다. 먼저 15일 진행된 16강전에서는 지난 GSL Oct. 의 우승컵을 높게 들어 올렸던 문성원 선수가 2승을 거두며 제일 먼저 8강에 안착했다. 뒤이어 이동녕 선수가 이번 시즌 유일한 외국인 선수인 크리스 로란줴 선수를 꺾으며 승리를 거머쥐었으며, 한이석, 김학수 선수가 안호진, 신상호 선수를 꺾으며 생에 최초로 8강 진출에 성공했다.
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Gom TV, the domestic e-sports and broadcasting partner of Blizzard Entertainment, announced on November 16th that following the completion of the ro16 of the Sony Ericson GSL November Code S, the quarterfinals will be held on the 23rd and 24th at 6:10pm.
The quarterfinal matches, originally scheduled for the 22rd and 23rd, were changed due to the participation of players in overseas events.
Since the start of the Sony Ericson GSL November, the new changes to the format and league system have been a talking point. The key change was drastically reducing the number of Code S seeds from 24 to 8, requiring players to prove their skill. Through competition with Code A players for the remaining 16 Code S places, players are putting their all into every match, creating intense competition and showcasing the highest level of play.
In the ro16, held over the 15th and 16th, the remaining players brought us lively matches along with some upsets, capturing the attention of e-sports fans. In the matches played on the 15th, MMA, who hoisted the winner's trophy high in GSL October, was the first player to land himself in the quarterfinals with a 2-0 victory. Following this, Leenock was able to seize victory against this season's lone foreign hope, Huk, and Alive and OZ took down Happy and Killer to move into the quarterfinals for the first time.
1) In the first sentence of the final paragraph, I'm a bit unsure of "대활약과 동시에 이변이", and I feel that my translation of this sounds kind of unnatural.
2) I originally translated "기존 선수들" as "established players", but now that I look at it again I think "remaining players" is better, even though it kind of changes the meaning.
Edit: changed in accordance with rotinegg's correction