Quite a bold question (just look at the article, it is actually in bold), after all, these two are the only 3-times GSL champions to this day. Now let's look back to September when in the latest StarLeague finals we've seen JangBi's carriers defeating Fantasy's goliaths. Why exactly nobody asked whether Bisu, Flash and Jaedong are no longer the best BroodWar players?
What MLG showed is that not every korean progamer can accomodate to stressful western LAN format, where you need to play tens of games during a day (and jetlag is also part of the equation). It also showed that competition in SC2 scene is very tight... but wait, isn't that what everybody was saying already?
I've heard numerous times on State of the Game that if one competitor loses to another, it doesn't automatically means that he is bad -- his opponent just happens to be good, and in that instance the opponent might be on top of the form and have better luck.
And why is Naniwa suddenly "a Swedish guy with no big tournament results in 6 months"? Was it in previous MLGs where he lost to complete nonames or in Code A?
It seems like in the world of StarCraft 2 some people tend to forget any accomplishments that are more than 2 months old. Of course, big international tournaments in StarCraft 2 are happing too damn often, while BroodWar StarLeague heroes can enjoy their glory for many months. But I find it strange that Naniwa suddenly was nobody between his big MLG finishes and MVP and Nestea are already not the best players in the world
(Well, of course White-Ra is the best!)