The Proleague has started. Everyone is excited. So am I. When I woke up today (the games were played in the middle of the night for me) I immediatley turned on my computer to look if anyone has done some magical uploading of the VODs already. The Small Vod Thread already had some content so I was lucky. While starting to watch the first match of SKT1 vs Team 8 my clanmate sebastian asked me if I want to cast the proleague matches with him. We've been casting from replays a few months back and one of the Gosucups. Sebastian was even an admin for Iccup-TV for some time. Since Sayle is casting SKT1 vs Team 8 Seba and me decided to cast the other match. We used the VODs from the williaml232 YT-channel
You can find our cast (if interested) at sebastians Youtbube-channel. All of the games have been uploaded. Seba's voice is a little quiet but I think it's ok. We are both European (Polish and German) so excuse our accents and lack of proper English.
spoiler below. but you probably already know results if you are opening a thread like this.
+ Show Spoiler +Nice win ACE, they might really benefit from having the 5 game format. And wth kt sending out Hoejja and BarrackS instead of putting Mind in there. Perhaps trying to get BarrackS playing well?
I liked it, haha. It was a good commentary set but I feel that one of the guys (Might've been you) should get a louder mic. Couldn't hear you as clearly as the other guy.
It was the other guy. He even noticed it in the beginning. But he's too lazy to deal with the technical to fix it ;-)
All of the VODs are up now btw
I heard that Sayle casted KT vs ACE too? So there wasn't a need for an English commentary. :-/ Anyways it was fun casting it.
not lazy, just too much vod at same time
im thinking about making vod of game with jaedong and maybe other team8vsskt games since its fun
I watch it live in korean but this kind of thing is pretty important, good to have more english commentary on youtube.
well probsbly it would be best to watch in korean and understand korean