Now that we've gotten this out of the way
1) I'm thoroughly flip-flopping on my essays. They are good, I think. Blaargh. Trying to sound awesome but not totally pompous asswipe. Blargh. I'm applying to UCs tomorrow. I'm applying CS at some schools, but at the top tier I'm not. Getting a C and a lot of Bs in math is not a good thing Even my SAT scores aren't going to offset that, and they frankly don't care my calc teacher is vaguely insane in difficulty in comparison to other local schools.
2) Law is the thing that interests me most atm. Actually, more specifically, IP law. But that aside I figure I ought to major in something with a reasonable income. Furthermore, I'll likely be national merit so going somewhere which offers a full ride is a significant possibility.
3) My interests right now, outside of school revolve around travel and languages/etc. I'm not very sure as to what a good career would be. I want stable income, but the ability to do other things. And I'm frankly incoherent as to what is going to happen. I"m thinking too hard and am being too indecisive. My mom is cycling between "ooh, you're gonna do great" to certain failure and rejection from everywhere I apply. I talked to my cousin who graduated from USC with a degree in EE and is now a VIce President for JBL. He talked about importance of math.
What do I want to do? I have no clue. What kind of school do I want to go to? I have no clue. What do I want to major in? No clue. What are my real interests? no clue. Could I legitly do comp sci? No clue.
I have no clue what I want to do in the future. I could do many things, but I need to submit apps tomorrow or day after for UCs and I'mflip flopping on majors like mad. And going undeclared really isn't an option.
Right now I sort of dislike math. But it's not that I dislike math, it's that math feels unfair. I do well on HW, finish all the practice problems, then get a C on the test. It doesn't make any sense to me.....
Also, TvP is a joke atm. (for me at least). Lots of people have been complaining about it, and it probably is more balanced at higher levels, but generally I feel like hte opponent makes zealots and archons, I emp shit, and get run over. Then he reloads and kills me. TvZ I'm just dropping everywhere and winning. Same with tvt XD