Like most people in the Starcraft Community, I adore Day9. He's a great caster, a seemingly amazing person (I've never met him, hence the adverb qualifier), and a hard working individual. I recently read a poem composed in iambic pentameter by Vladimir Nabokov and decided to try my hand at writing about Starcraft, Day9, and this community. I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to leave criticisms and/or emoticons. (As with all poetry, it is best if read aloud - you'll feel like a nerd, but when has that ever stopped you :D)
State of the Game
Gather, gather round and hear the tale
Of Starcraft caster Day 9, his one fail,
and many wins. First, we address the man
who, with just one look at his face, can
turn youtubers into better gamers,
whose laugh makes days a little less lamer,
whose daily endeavor gives strategy
to newbies on Tuesday and synergy
to our builds all the other days save
Monday, which is reserved for fun, that knave.
Yet through all the fun and laughing and builds,
Day9 did once ruin a child's Christmas filled
tiny eyes and dreams when, unwittingly,
he announced in cast at MLG
that Santa was figment, wholly unreal.
And this fact came back to make him a'feel.
When, during a daily, this was revealed,
Day9 covered his face with palms and reeled
Back in his seat and uttered such sorrows
They echoed so long they reached tomorrows
where a fail meme and poem inspired
were writ and to TeamLiquid wired.
Despite this fail, it's undoubtedly true
Day9 stands as gamer for me and you.
His energy strong and game sense high,
he stands as example for what I strive:
to educate others with tip of pen,
bring smiles to faces and talent lend
to this group of people whom I adore,
TeamLiquid, I'll tell you this and more:
Live life with passion and APM high,
for it is a game, the reward is nigh;
fear not the ladder nor life's little woes,
for even if defeat causes keyboard throws,
know the next match around the corner waits,
so attack with timing, with gamer grace.