First fail because I missed the registration.
I kept looking on Gom's site and usually they have it in the news, so I kept checking every so often, and didn't see it. I eventually saw someone post about it on TL, and when I clicked the link... registration was closed. T.T I tried to e-mail the gom people but I got no reply, so I assumed I was completely SOL.
Also, I didn't know the qualifiers were usually on weekdays.. I wouldn't have been able to go anyway as I had class and a big paper to turn it. Sometimes life just comes together and throws shit at you.
I probably would've gotten my ass handed to me as I still haven't gotten a keyboard, and I was only diamond on Korean ladder, but still, I would've liked the experience and maybe the chance to meet and talk to the pros. Darn.
Thanks to everyone who supported my non-existent run in Code A. I'm really sorry to disappoint...
In good news though, tonight I went on an 11 win ladder streak on NA. Something clicked. 10 games of PvP and PvZ, and one PvT. That PvT game was magical though, never felt more InControl. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Anyway, I'll try to burn my bonus on Korean server because... for some reason Korea still hasn't reset yet... so I'll be playing on crappy maps and trying to raise my MMR before placement. And hopefully get into Masters. But, I've been losing a lot to cheese. Stupid cheese mostly, my fault. Apparently on KR you get bane busted. EVERY TIME you FFE. I should scout with my zealot more.
But anyway, thanks again.. and I'm sorry this wasn't an epic "I-got-0-2d-at-the-code-A-quals" blog. T.T
me. zu. ㅋㅋㅋ