I was wondering if any of you could lend me a hand? The standards on TL forums are quite high but I would like to post a guide to a build I've been working on, if I'm going to do everything on my own it probably is going to take to long.
Basically I need protoss players to help me test the build to make it cheeseproof and zergs to use it and submit me their replays and help me tweak it.
For now all I have got is this:
ZvP ling/bling/drop vs FFE
14 pool
16 hatch
16 ovie
16 queen
17 ling
18 ling
22 queen
24 hatch (macro)
transfer 1 drone to nat / rally points to nat
23 ovie
33 ovie
33 queen
(rerally around this time)
36 gas
35 gas
40? ovie
2 evos @ 112 gas / third gas
OL speed/baneling nest
What needs work is the third gas timing, the order of +2/+2 and baneling nest for when you maybe should need banelings vs certain pushes.
You should have 2 creep tumors going (1 with your second Q from the main to the nat, one with your third queen).
Your third should go up around 9-10 min timing and you should start making lings when your bases are getting pretty saturated, you'll notice.
This build is (i think) not an all in. Your third is reasonably timed and you'll have a lot of excess resources since you are relying on cheap, well upgraded units. You can take all your gases at any point and just pump a wave of drones to harvest them. An infestor/muta transition is strong or you can keep heading for ultralisk.
Keep on top of your creep spread and use your mass amounts of lings to deny gateway pushes as early on from the moment your upgrades finish. Use baneling drops in the mineral line, use ling drops on production, PIN THEM IN THEIR BASE until you get your mutas/infestors out or whatever you need (roach/corruptors). I think your +2/+2 will finish around the time his push comes out or when he's trying to secure his third after he placed stalkers/canons in his mineral lines to defend vs the drops.
It's just a fun build to execute because it's satisfying when you win, it feels strong against a lot of openers and when you play someone you REALLY outmacro just load up SO MANY banelings and go kill them (anyone else had problems vs death balls?).