Pretty much sums up how I feel today, half-way through my fall break.
Very stressed out by my classwork. Being sick has made it hard to finish stuff, and gotten me all disorganized.
Got an email from my art history professor today asking why I haven't sent him my term paper topic and references I plan on using yet. I flat out forgot it was due at the beginning of the week because of being sick. I have a topic I have been interested in, but no references. It's not graded to have this in to him, but I feel so guilty. There's not really anything to say to him except sorry, I was disorganized and irresponsible, and just forgot. I'm not prepared. (Which I did.)
EDIT: My prof was really nice and emailed me back a bunch of references to look at after I told him the topic. :D
My drawing class, I'm meeting with the TA tonight to discuss the project I haven't started that everyone else has been working on for the past week.
My animation class, I'm still need to create and animate an entire scene... which my professors flat out suck and the class is just like-- figure this shit out kbai. It's vaguely due Wednesday.
I am feeling better since last week, but worried I will keep getting ill like that throughout the semester, and also that I will be missing a lot of class for doctors' appointments. This shit is stressful, yo. And I still have work to go to also, which means I have very little time to catch up or work ahead.
Watched IPL3 at work last night. Was pretty awesome. LR thread was disgusting as usual, especially when LoL came on. + Show Spoiler + Really? You have to go to bed cause it's late, and so you're going to miss the finals? You know what? Sucks. Sucks ass for you. What a shocker that an international SC2 tournament is at an inconvenient time for someone, somewhere in the world. Not like that's ever happened before. Also I really don't give a flying fuck how much you hate LoL, you don't have to spam the LR with it. Go watch Street Fighter and shut up. It was on the schedule from the very beginning, and saying you didn't read the schedule because you expected it to be a SC2 tournament, is like bitching you got a D on a paper because you didn't read the directions. You're just fucking stupid. (Also, I don't mind watching LoL. I mostly think it's not as interesting only because there's no connection to the players. SC2 is pretty fucking boring for me to watch when I don't know the players also.) But anyway... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmahgawd it's not the end of the world. -.-
My fall break is pretty anti-climatic. I'm working every day (except Saturday when I went to the mall and bought plain tees so I have clothes to wear). I'm scrambling over the homework I have to get done. Trying to catch up on sleep. Meh. This was supposed to be a really laid back break. Then I got so fucking sick. >.>
This is a very whiny blog. Sorry. >o> Next blog I will make an art blog or something. Then it will be full of cuteness.
you still have tomorrow don't you? Use that to get some much-needed rest.
I remember one of your blogs about your sickness although I don't really remember exactly what you had. You were fearing an auto-immune disease I think?
Still, I can sympathize. I've been operated twice for the same thing in the last couple of years, something that required me to see a nurse every day for the first ~2 months to get bandages changed until they allowed me to go every 2 days, etc. That took about an hour each day because of travel + wait time. That combined with bleeding constantly for 3-4 months (only the first ~2 weeks are truly bad in terms of bleeding) because they can't use stitches or it doesn't heal well made university a pain (oh and it hurt too although you get used to it after a few days).
On the other hand, on the opposite of you, it wasn't something that drained me mentally and it motivated me to finish things quickly. I just wanted to get each day over with quickly to heal up. I have motivation problems normally so it was kind of different to be forced to do things at a quicker pace to make up for the lost time + fatigue from the bleeding.
The best you can do is inform your professors of your situation and ask for short extensions on due projects that you fell behind in due to sickness. If you are starting to feel better, you'll be slightly behind but at least you won't be losing points left and right. I highly doubt they wouldn't help you out if you asked them.
United States22883 Posts
On October 11 2011 01:51 Kurr wrote: The best you can do is inform your professors of your situation and ask for short extensions on due projects that you fell behind in due to sickness. If you are starting to feel better, you'll be slightly behind but at least you won't be losing points left and right. I highly doubt they wouldn't help you out if you asked them. Definitely. Most professors are pretty accommodating if you tell them about it early enough. The worst mistake you can make early on in college is getting into that mode where you think you can handle everything on your own, therefore don't need to ask for help. The leads to baaad things.
Also, lol @ LoL paragraph. I bet getting that out felt good.
On October 11 2011 02:00 Jibba wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2011 01:51 Kurr wrote: The best you can do is inform your professors of your situation and ask for short extensions on due projects that you fell behind in due to sickness. If you are starting to feel better, you'll be slightly behind but at least you won't be losing points left and right. I highly doubt they wouldn't help you out if you asked them. Definitely. Most professors are pretty accommodating if you tell them about it early enough. The worst mistake you can make early on in college is getting into that mode where you think you can handle everything on your own, therefore don't need to ask for help. The leads to baaad things. Also, lol @ LoL paragraph. I bet getting that out felt good. 
I have emailed all my teachers to let them know what's up. Just still feel stressed about getting behind. :/
It was SO therapeutic, you have no idea.
Best of luck!
Can't watching LoL because it just isn't interesting. I don't like watching any DoTA variant competitively :B
You're feeling better right?
I am feeling much better this week! But my bloodwork came back with some big issues so still trying to sort that out. My doctor is pretty sure it is an autoimmune disease.
United States22883 Posts
You've got my full sympathy. :/ It's not the end of the world though, there are ways to take control of it and you can definitely make it through.
Hey if you need help with animation-y stuff just send me a PM i'm currently in my third year of animation so if I can help in any way (and if i have time) I'd not mind at all. What medium are you using?
On October 11 2011 02:59 RedJustice wrote: I am feeling much better this week! But my bloodwork came back with some big issues so still trying to sort that out. My doctor is pretty sure it is an autoimmune disease. Definitely good luck with that. I have one myself that has given me no end of issues.
As for your LoL paragraph....a bunch of us in the LoL subforum were laughing about the SC2 LR threads and how terrible they get when anyone even mentions LoL, never mind the SC2 balance whining. As far as no connection to the players, once you get into the scene there is definitely a connection to the players; you can watch them streaming constantly, you watch their interviews and watch how they interact with each other...it's often pretty hilarious and interesting. If you're looking to get into LoL a little more I'd suggest checking out our subforum. Lot of good people in there. Best of luck with your paper!
@Bandersnatch: We are using Maya. Problem is... my teacher is like a 14 year old boy with ADHD and doesn't teach. His method involves coming into class and saying-- work on your projects! Then when you ask how to do something, he will reply: Well just rig that. Then you ask-- how do you rig something? To which he is like-- oh shit I forgot to teach rigging. Maya is just a big learning curve when no one is actually showing you what to do. (I've been messing with it on my own for a few months and still lost, haha.)
@WaveofShadow: Hm, I suppose that is true! I enjoy playing LoL, but I think I would like it more if I played on a regular team. I am trying to learn support characters. (They are a bitch to play with randoms, cause everyone is an ass to you for not having enough kills and/or not making them completely invulnerable to everything -.-)
Luckily for me, I wasn't around when the LoL started. But I can imagine what it was like in the LR thread; like a bunch of aggressive football fans who were just informed that a huge match had been cancelled in favor of baseball or something? Yeah, i'm not very good with sports (at least not real life sports ^^) but that's kind of what happened when WoW was on at EU invitational.
United States22883 Posts
What are you making in Maya? My sister is learning it at the moment and the software is giving her fits, and she's a professional animator. :x
I am supposed to be making a grumpy little owl that has leaves falling on it's head and idk what. XDDD
United States22883 Posts
Was the Le really necessary.
Yeah, I was at college late last night doing my own maya project -_- it is a really fickle program. I am lucky enough to have a great Maya lecturer though, always full of energy and ready to help, but he teaches so fast that we all have difficulty remembered how to do things after the lesson. This year has been particularly hard with MEL scripting, particle and solver lessons though. Rigging is probably currently my weakest point, but yeah, I have found that usually youtube tutorials can get you out of sticky situations. Your lecturer doesn't sound very pleasant though :/ could you not appeal to someone there for a different lecturer?