The story starts like this: I've been spamming 2v2s lately because I've been staying at rank 1 (diamond) and the system refuses to promote me (yes, you've heard it all now! But seriously...winning streaks against top ranked masters should promote you ). Now, we all know 2's are rather pointless and even more so when it's random 2v2s where a win depends more on getting lucky that your teammate isn't completely brain dead.
Fast forward to tonight, I'm playing a match to re-secure my 1st place spot and I get paired with another Zerg. We are facing off against double Protoss. My random ally decides to do a 6 pool, so being the nice teammate that I am I decide to 10p to support him. Now, the 6p seems to work decently until one of the Protoss counters it by simply walling off completely essentially crushing his rush. I decide to go after the other Protoss while the other is dealing with the 6p. The 'toss I'm going after also decides to play smart and block off with another gateway...or so he thinks. I chew down his cybernetics core and to my surprise he left a gap in his wall and I just stream lings into his base. Safe to say, both players raged hard in chat and started calling us out as being scum and not knowing how to play before rage quitting without even defending against me 10 lings. Surely, this guy must be a pro, I should get a few lessons from him...
NOTE: I definitely BM back at this guy, but most people would when they are on the defensive:
+ Show Spoiler +You: tell your buddy how to wall VaNtaSist has reconnected. VaNtaSist: hey noob go 6 pool in 2s lol youre awful You: oh wait, i 10p WEIRD 10 > 6 VaNtaSist: oh wait youre a diamond 1v1 player? not suprised fucking rat You: wait VaNtaSist: learn to play the game and maybe someday You: you're a low masters 1v1 player? VaNtaSist: you will be masters You: you're a scrub VaNtaSist: no You: bro, rank 50 masters is shit VaNtaSist: youre a fucking diamond want to play 1v1? bro You: rank 50 masters = high diamond bro bro VaNtaSist: diamond is nothing You: bro bro bro brobroborborborobroborbor VaNtaSist: youre absolutely worthless You: neither is rank 50 masters lets 1v1 VaNtaSist: okay inkvite You: pick the map VaNtaSist: doesnt matter
So I'm feeling pretty safe here, having just placed 2nd at the Colorado LanFest beating out several high masters players. I decide to play on Tal'darim Alter because I want to macro and prove this guy is scum. Right off, I screw up and accidentally 10 pool instead of overpool. I'm not out of the running yet, so I go off and scout. To my suprise, he's playing Zerg! I was expecting him to play a toss again, but no matter. I adjust accordingly to a ZvZ game.
After some misjudgement on my part, he gets 20 or so lings onto my expansion when I am not ready to defend it yet. I let it die, but I have a ton of roaches spawning so I am safe in my main. I decide to go out and pressure his expansion, in hopes that my +1 roaches might do some damage. After some more building up, I get there to find 3 spine crawlers, and a minimal army. I do some poking to start taking down the spine crawlers, and ideally force him to make an army and stop droning. It works out, as I take down three of his spine crawlers and force a huge roach response from him. Seeing an opportunity here, I pull back and drone hard as well as tech to infestors as well as burrow / burrow movement.
Feeling lucky, I decide to poke in with all my burrowed roaches and sure enough, he decided not to get any detection what so ever. I manuever 30 roaches into his main, pop and snipe his Lair, Evo Chamber, and his Infestation pit and he lets me just burrow out again. Knowing I have won now, I take a 3rd and then go and destroy his before he finally decides to push me but I have more roaches, upgrades, infestors, and lings. GG:
I'm not saying it was my finest match, but I found it pretty funny. Here we had a low masters player claiming that I am garbage just because of my rank. He claims I "Cheesed" the win. In a 20+ minute match, I really wouldn't call it cheesing. He also claimed that I had no idea how to macro. Granted, I wasn't in macro mode this game as it is late and I'm playing super aggressive. Even still, I re-watch the replay later and I can't help but laugh. Nearly the entire game I am significantly ahead of him in drones! So, here we have this guy saying I can't macro when...his macro was even worse than mine. And he claims I didn't get a third...except I had one building...lol:
+ Show Spoiler + You: dont ignore me VaNtaSist: oh i wont i cant wait for game 2 oh lol so youre a pussy okay then i will ignore you name one tourney at a compettive level thats best of one? thats what i thought
That's right, he wants a second game. After calling me terrible again after winning and saying I cheesed an arguably macro orientated ZvZ, he wants to go again. Fine. I choose Xel'naga Caverns and decide I'll show him the real meaning of cheese. I decide to do a 10p fast baneling rush, knowing even if I lose this tool who thinks he's a pro and will play a 3rd. Safe to say, it works. Which is pretty damn hilarious considering he scouts the early pool and he should have gotten pool asap and spined his mineral line. But nope, he loses to actual cheese.
Now I'm laughing hard. Surely, me as a lowly diamond player could never beat an all mighty masters! Except I just did:
+ Show Spoiler + You: 2 - 0 VaNtaSist: yeah i have respect for you You: thought masters were pro diamond were bad VaNtaSist: this is why youre diamond You: dude VaNtaSist: its becaue You: you lost VaNtaSist: you cheese You: fair VaNtaSist: and gimmick to win You: in a 1v1 20 minutes VaNtaSist: instead of use macro You: how is it gimick go watch it you would have lost VaNtaSist: go watch it? You: even if i didnt sneak in VaNtaSist: lol you burrow won get the fuck out You: no VaNtaSist: learn to play You: i had won already i forced so many roaches from you VaNtaSist: zvz is such a cheesy favored match up too i can probably rape you off race but im not even going to bother You: stop blaming the game and learn to play VaNtaSist: because youre a diamond idiot who will never learn You: dont call people out if you suck ass VaNtaSist: to play You: ok The player is ignoring you. You: so The player is ignoring you. VaNtaSist: once you stop cheesing trust me you will get good
So infuriating how someone can act so damn cocky because of an icon on their ladder page. Just because I haven't massed enough games for the MMR system to promote me doesn't mean I know how to play the game. After knocking him off his high horse by 2-0ing him, he isn't even gracious enough to admit he was wrong instead insisting all I know how to do is cheese. W/e, pissed me off at the time but writing this long blog about it sure helped :D.
Feel free to give me tips on the macro game ^^
TL;DR: Diamond is more than meets the eye ;-).
Good read :D. Provided the lulz.
On October 07 2011 17:29 Benjef wrote: Good read :D. Provided the lulz.
Fast reader
hahahah, awesome. those players will never learn. had a similar story the other week, and he never admitted defeat, every loss is cause of cheese no matter the strat.
The guy was a douche.
If you were meant to be in Masters, you would be there. Perhaps you don't consistently play as well as you are capable of, or perhaps you have specific weaknesses that cripple you. Whatever it is, there is no such thing as "high diamond but not getting promoted". you are just Diamond. Keep practising and you will improve to Masters, but stop deluding yourself that you're being cheated out of a promotion. The matchmaking system does not work that way.
You are both bm and your egos are huge. Its a 2v2 game get over yourselves.
i find it quite hard to believe that you have defeated several "high masters" -players if you indeed are still in diamond.
edit: unless you meant high masters in 2v2, well then its understandable..
Yea i had the same situation in a 2v2 my random ally left (I'm 2v2 rdm masters rank 2) and I decided to continue playing after 20mins I won , 2v1 high masters aranged team VS me .... they bm'ed me calling me a nooby faggot ect. so I asked if they felt like playing me 1v1 ?? They agreed calling me a noob for being Diamond rank 1 1v1... Needless to say I beat them 2-0. But why are masters players so cocky ?? Srsly ?
From his perspective you cheesed two out of three games. Shoulda Bo9'd him if it meant alot to you what he thought of your skill.
But it's just bnet stuff. np.
On October 07 2011 17:49 Dhalphir wrote: The guy was a douche.
If you were meant to be in Masters, you would be there. Perhaps you don't consistently play as well as you are capable of, or perhaps you have specific weaknesses that cripple you. Whatever it is, there is no such thing as "high diamond but not getting promoted". you are just Diamond. Keep practising and you will improve to Masters, but stop deluding yourself that you're being cheated out of a promotion. The matchmaking system does not work that way. Agree'ed part-way , but there IS such a thing as "high" masters , this comming from someone who is "diamond 1v1" and yet I face Strelok , Fargo ect. on ladder with decent win ratio... I daubt a "normal" diamond player goes 12-7 against High Masters and GM's, yet no promotion :D.
On October 07 2011 17:56 T0fuuu wrote: You are both bm and your egos are huge. Its a 2v2 game get over yourselves. Dont EVER try to talk to pro.tech then :D haha.
On October 07 2011 18:03 LiGhTbLuE7 wrote: i find it quite hard to believe that you have defeated several "high masters" -players if you indeed are still in diamond.
edit: unless you meant high masters in 2v2, well then its understandable.. Its most likely couse he is in-consitant not because it isent true . I face master and gm yet no promotion , but that might have something to do with me training my 12yr old brother on my acount sometimes, which needlees to say "tanks" my MMR slightly.
On October 07 2011 18:03 LiGhTbLuE7 wrote: i find it quite hard to believe that you have defeated several "high masters" -players if you indeed are still in diamond.
edit: unless you meant high masters in 2v2, well then its understandable..
Yes, I was refering to 2v2. I will go on a three or four win streak where opponents are top 8 masters but then of course lose the next game to diamond players because my random ally hasnt built an army six minutes in when the opponents are stilk on one base...
Such is the life of 2v2 random though, it is just frustrating to be stuck at rank 1 diamond and never get promoted.
And yes I think getting promoted is more about the confidence factor in the mmr system. If i massed enough games then it would promote me in 1s where my individual skill matters more than getting non mouth breathing teammates.
I mean, why else would a jackass that is rank 50 masters lose to a garbage diamond pkayer!?
And I said sorry for the bm from me, kind of hard not to when someone is being so arrogant and bm towards you.
fromwhat I can see you instigated the BM from him when you posted teach ur partner how to wall properly, when they very well may of been RT themselves.
Anyway Random Team sucks, im top 8 diamond 2v2 now winning like 20 of my last 30 games and im nowwhere near promotion and thats with playing with bad allies or playing Arranged team players who know what they are doing
It looks like you messaged the guy first after the 2v2 game? If so, then it was a pretty dick move
Heh nice story. It is pretty stupid, as high diamond I played over 50 games vs Masters opponents while in diamond. The difference between 1000 diamond and 1000 masters is basically nothing (current points). I got my promotion from diamond to master yesterday finally, and guess what? It didn't magically make me any better. In fact, I am pretty sure I played worse (albeit enjoyed it more) because all the pressure was off. haha. I had allready got my promotion had a new shiny bonus pool, and didn't care if I dropped a game. Whereas when I was on the cusp of promotion I took every game super serious.
Anyways, good read. GL with promotion.
"Afterwords, the Protoss who defeated the 6p decides to have a few words with me..."
First sentence of the conversation starts off with you, "You: tell your buddy how to wall"
It's a funny story and everything. But let's just get one thing straight. You started it, you continued to harass him even when he would compliment you.
"VaNtaSist: you will be masters You: you're a scrub VaNtaSist: no You: bro, rank 50 masters is shit"
You instigated. You took imaginary offense to anything contradictory he was saying. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder because you aren't being promoted.
On October 07 2011 20:56 awu25 wrote: It looks like you messaged the guy first after the 2v2 game? If so, then it was a pretty dick move This 1000 times. It doesn't matter how much BM was in the game, you message first after the game, you're just as BM as he was. The game's over, let it go.
That being said, to the point of the post -- there's all *kinds* of people in Masters who do nothing but cheese. High masters, midmasters, low masters. Heck, there's a thread in SC2 general about a guy who 6pooled his way to GM.
If you're still in Diamond, it's because you still belong there. I kinda hit masters 1s out of nowhere when I was still Rank 11 Diamond, and my friend who I play with was #1 Diamond with +200 points over #2 in his division and still wasn't promoted. There's the division "tiers" to consider, as well as the fluctuations of MMR and how it has to settle into a range the system is confident in before you're promoted.
Also, from personal experience and what I've seen from most people's profiles, plus just from generally what I've seen on the ladder first-hand, the skill level of players in Team Games is MUCH lower than the general skill level on 1s. So it's much easier to hit Masters in the Team ladder than it is to hit it in 1s, even with terrible partners, because you're likely to be against terrible opponents too. Case in point -- I was Masters 3s and 4s for about a month or two (playing Random, no less) before my 1s promotion.
I absolutely hate playing random 2s though....it seems I always get trolled by my teammate. Last 2s game I played was on Discord where my Zerg ally took my gasses and mined from them before he took his own. -_-
Great story! The promotion system is sometimes a little bit confusing. Just keep playing and you'll get there. Amusing story btw. Really love the part where you show what a bm-ing loser you are just to show what a bm-ing loser a unknown stranger you met during a random 2v2 is. I mean, messaging him after a lost game to say something like "tell your buddy how to wall" is what SC2 etiquette is all about, right? Right.
On October 07 2011 20:56 awu25 wrote: It looks like you messaged the guy first after the 2v2 game? If so, then it was a pretty dick move
Sorry, I should have prefaced it by saying he was already BMing me really hard before he rage quit the 2v2 match. And telling him that his partner (they were an arranged team) should learn to wall really wasn't as bad as calling me a "fucking rat" just for being diamond.
Either way, this isn't about me being BM, it's about him thinking he's a god because he has a masters icon and me 2 - 0 ing him and teaching him different.
On October 07 2011 21:25 DoublespeakUS wrote: You instigated. You took imaginary offense to anything contradictory he was saying. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder because you aren't being promoted.
Except, he started it. He was already calling me out before I called him a scrub. Did you read this at all?