Anger. The bane of my starcraft existense, to be honest. It has made me got temp-banned on teamliquid twice for rashly making poorly written threads on strategy forums while my blood was boiling and it hasnt helped my cause at all to attempt to make myself known as a civilised poster. But, it can be overcome.
I know what you feel, when you hear the pros saying that the more you play you will stop feeling anger at your losses and you will instead feel schooled by your opponent, and I know how you would just disregard it as crap and that it would always be there. Nope.
I can tell you I would only ladder a couple of games a day and every time I would feel very uncomfortable, hot in the face and very angry with myself after I lost. But after the last week I can safetly say that after going on a bingeing on ladder in my free that the anger can be overcame and once you have " broke down the wall " wall you will feel much better while playing and I really feel as if I am finally starting to learn, with me going from low low plat to beating diamonds in a very short time!!
In short, dont give up and keep fighting through the anger. you will eventually be free of it if you keep going. I believe in you.