Not to mention all the milk and yogurt went bad while we didn't have power. I found this out the hard way. ...I'll spare you the details.
Also just found out results from the IPL 3 qualifiers...KIWI!! INCONTROL!! NUUUUU!!!!!! PLEASE someone tell me they'll be able to reapply in the other qualifying rounds...please. PLEASE.
I AM ALSO the biggest derp known to man. I forgot to contact Incontrol before my lesson started. -head crunches on desk- I must've been dropped when I was little. How can I constantly manage to be so, so, SO incredibly DUMB? Maybe one of the flying tree branches Irene blew around hit me on the head and I just didn't notice. Some trees were actually split clean in half down the middle; it's freaky to drive by them on my way to work.
At least Michael doesn't have school on Monday...
By the way. Where has Mana run off to? I thought he was an automatic invite back to the IPL 3? Was hoping to see him there...
Currently listening to: "Yellow Butterfly" by Milk & Coffea