In mid-Sept. I will be moving down to San Diego to go to UCSD. My friend, who I've been dating for a year and a half now, is going to UCLA, and I needed some help surprising her by visiting and helping her move in. The problem is that I don't know the area, the transportation (I plan on taking the 101 bus from La Jolla to Oceanside, then getting on the Metro to LA Union Station, then taking a bus to the campus) and it'd take roughly 4 hours to get there, and then if I miss one of the buses or trains later in the evening, I'll be stuck far away from my school and I really won't know where to go.
So, I implore you gentlemen and gentlewomen, of teamliquid, to help me out by giving me any advice you can, or, if at all possible, providing me with a place to stay for the evening in LA. I know this is a really really big risk and a huge favor for a stranger, but it'd be awesomely helpful. I'll definitely see about letting you crash at my place in UCSD whenever you're in town.
Thanks, and much love,