Today was one of those days where things were going perfect and then one bad thing happens and I just...freaked to say the least. Things have been going wonderful this past year. My life was kind of in shambles a year ago. I was doing shitty in school, gained a lot of weight, and was pretty depressed. So because of this resurgence of happiness I haven't really gotten truly angry in a long long time.
I only have one more class that I need to do well in to finish replacing my old shitty grades with better ones so I can transfer into a university (I'm at a community college). Everything was set up. I had four classes this semester including this Chemistry class that I need to take. Basically my grade point is somewhere in the lower 2's and will jump up to like a 3.6 or so if I get an A in the class. So it is very important I get this class before the winter so I can do my transfers for next fall.
This afternoon I get a call from my school. Some lady from the Math and Science department telling me my Chemistry class got cancelled. After calling the counseling office and some other people at the school I find out that 1/3 of the Chemistry classes got fucked because some teacher decided to not teach one day before class started. So now I can't take that class and fix my grade before I fill out my transfers making it almost impossible to get into the universities I want to.
Apparently there is a very slim chance where some people might drop the class and I can maybe get a spot in another one. Unfortunately I already have my work schedule set and my other three classes that I have to work around. So even if one class opens up, it might not be at a time that I can make.
Anyways this set of a bomb inside me. The past couple weeks have been amazing. I've just been getting a lot done and then going to Raleigh was incredible. So having this huge thing happen to me while everything has just been so good made me freak. I started just yelling and throwing things. My neighbors actually came over to see if things were ok because I was just belting as loud as I could. I broke my little nightstand thing after throwing it into my dresser (I'm very thankful I didn't throw it through my wall). I also took all my notebooks and papers and just chucked them at my wall. My room was a complete mess. There was trash, papers, clothes, etc. all over. It took roughly an hour to clean up.
It felt so good to just not give a shit and break things. It's been so long since I've been angry like this and it felt too good. Maybe I am keeping the anger inside too much to avoid going down the path I was on before.
tl;dr- Stressed out like crazy because my entire future depends on a class I need to finish and my school cancelled it.
That sucks Keep your chin up man. Everything always turns out okay in the long run.
obviously this is something you want to avoid if at all possible, but if you must, just spend an extra semester at your junior college to make up that course before applying for transfer. if you know it's gonna fuck up your chances at getting in to the university you want, why waste the money? regardless, i feel you man. classes getting cut, especially last second, is a huge pain in the ass.
all in all, read your own sig.
wow, that sucks, I guess the best thing to do is just keep doing well in the classes you have, and do just one more semester and transfer to a 4 year school in the winter of next year or just see if you can take it in the summer, many schools will keep taking grades until very near the start of the semester
It'll be fine, trust me I failed EVERY class my second semester in my community college and I still got into my major no problem
I think my thing about going an extra semester is that this is my third year. I don't want to go into a fourth year at a community college =/ I'm ready to move on. Anyways thanks for the support. I just need to chill and hope for the best. Getting angry won't help my situation at all
yeah, I know it sucks having to stay longer, but sometimes we just gotta grin and bear it, good luck man, i know community college is no fun I was there, but i stuck it out and got into a program I love.
I wish you the best of luck and you never know when an opportunity will show up, heck you might even want to see if a professor will force register you into the class you need, it doesn't happen often but you never know
I feel you OP. Pretty much the same thing happened to me. Exactly 1 day ago i finished my 2nd exam out of three which i needed to finish in order to continue school and i did not know that my 3rd exam was actually before my 2nd already and that a teacher forgot to call me an inform me about it so i missed it and the next chance of doing the exam is in februar so i just wasted 1 year of school because of that teacher...