A FF fan who has never played any ones before the 7th is like a Starcraft fan who has never touched Brood War... You have to play at least the fourth or sixth.
As for FFVII, I've only beaten it one time, and I don't know if I will ever replay it. It did have a good story, it was really immersive and it's soundtrack is easily second to FFVI, but the fact that every character were more or less the sames made for a lackluster gameplay. Plus some battle animations were so fucking endless...
Final Fantasy 6 has been on my to-do list for a long time now. But the Playstation version really sucks, because of the long loading breaks. But still, I've got to beat the game one day.
Final Fantasy is also my favorite series of RPGs too. I own a handful of them but I gotta say my first was FF10 and will always be my favorite. Although I really enjoyed tactics for the GBA for some reason. I never really got into 7 though, I loved the characters but I got bored easily with gameplay, idek why o.o
I fell in love with Final Fantasy with FFVII. Since that I play all the PS1 and SNES. Too bad I never had a PS2...Then I bought a PSP just to play Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and I didn't regret it. Final Fantasy is really amazing, I really love games that fell like you're reading a book while you play, and that game kept you playing until you reach the end of the story it tells, and Final Fantasy series does it.
On September 01 2011 04:20 ionize wrote: Final Fantasy 6 has been on my to-do list for a long time now. But the Playstation version really sucks, because of the long loading breaks. But still, I've got to beat the game one day.
its worth it for the fmv tho iirc! you can probs get it working on an emulator in 20 minutes idk
On August 31 2011 23:53 SageFantasma wrote: Personally, I loved Final Fantasy 8. Perhaps it was because it was the first one I owned and played, but I still prefer FF8 over FF9. I couldn't bare the fact that you were playing as an annoying monkey(or rather, that's the way it seemed to me when I first played. You have a damned tail and you look human-like. Therefore, monkey). I HATE monkeys. Having to play as a damn monkey for all of FF9 was simply frustrating. Not to mention the knight(Rusty is what the main character calls him, I forget his actual name) was also annoying, and just... dumb.
I guess I just feel that FF9 is too childish. It didn't feel like a Final Fantasy to me, considering how serious FF7 and FF8 felt, and now the following sequels(10, 12, and 13). Just seemed like one big joke. :/
Still need to play FF6 though, heard nothing but good things about it; just never got around to playing it!
sounds like you just have problems with monkeys and not the game
ahah, perhaps. Still though, the game had no serious feel to it at all(besides maybe one or two parts in the end). It felt so kiddish: the design was really cartoonish, the characters had ridiculous features, and the cheesy storyline. Not to mention the Trances... So bad. :X
Are you serious? No serious feel to it? Not when they were stranded in a killer forest surrounded by monsters? Not when you get to that first Black Mage manufacturing plant? Not when Alexandria invaded that Rat country? There are so many serious parts in FF9, I couldn't even begin to list them all. I think you just hated rats, and then that for whatever reason turned you off for everything else that happened. The story wasn't childish at all, and it was much less cliche than FF8.
FF9 was a major throw back to the first 6 FF games, which were all fantasy-oriented games.
FF4/6/9 were my favorites. FF10/7/5/1 comes after them. Then 12/13. Then 2, then 8. IMO, 8 was an abomination. Gameplay wise, it was a joke, and character/plot wise, I can't understand how people can like it.
I can't really understand how people think the trance/limit break system in FF9 was bad. If anything, its more interesting than just getting a special attack every so often. And you aren't nearly as reliant on them as you are in FF8.